Paris to Brugge / Bruges by train

How to take a train journey from Paris to Brugge/Bruges by train

There are two options for taking the train from Paris to Brugge/Bruges:

  1. Making only one connection between trains at Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid station
  2. A longer, but usually cheaper route via Lille


Option: Travelling via Brussels is faster and simpler

Travel Information

Final Destination: Amsterdam or Bruxelles or Dortmund or Essen or Koln

The Thalys trains are non-stop between Paris and Bruxelles.

If you're not wowed by high speed train travel, then you'll have a brief, but otherwise unmemorable train journey from Paris to Bruxelles/Brussels.
This is a journey that's functional rather than fabulous, though the train will be travelling at more than 280 km/h from the outskirts of Paris, all the way to the Bruxelles suburbs.

**Change trains in: Bruxelles

1 x connection per hour**

This routing via Bruxelles/Brussels is the fastest and easiest option for train journeys between Paris and Brugge/Bruges, compared to the alternative route via Lille.
Though that 2hr 37min journey time is dependent on making a transfer between trains in Bruxelles/Brussels of under 20 mins.

However, don't be too concerned about making the connection because your ticket will be valid on any train between Bruxelles/Brussels and Brugge and there are 2 - 3 express (IC) trains per hour between the two cities.
Reservations aren't available on the trains between Bruxelles and Brugge.


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings usually open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

If you'll be travelling with a valid Eurail or InterRail pass, you'll save money if you take the alternative route via Lille.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
B-Europe *

B-Europe Guide

B-Europe is the website provided by Belgium's national railway operator for the sale of international rail journeys from and to Belgium.
Therefore tickets can be booked for the following international train services to/from Belgium

  • Eurostar
  • IC trains to France, Luxembourg and The Netherlands
  • ICE trains to Germany
  • Thalys trains to Germany, The Netherlands and Paris
  • TGV trains to destination in France other than Paris
    B-Europe offers a 'Best Fares' policy for journey by these trains.

It also sells international end-to-end journeys solely by train, with connections outside of Belgium, if you will be heading to popular destinations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

Users of Eurail and InterRail passes can also book seat reservations on the Eurostar and Thalys services without paying booking fees.

Oui.SNCF *

Oui.SNCF Guide

SNCF is the national rail operator in France and not so long ago it recently simplified both the range of tickets and the term and conditions of using them.
Therefore the cheapest tickets also become more flexible too.

Other improvements included a simple integration of travelling with bicycles and rail pass users being able to book reservations for national journeys, without paying booking fees.

Though a legacy of when SNCF sold international tickets under the Rail Europe branding is that OuiSNCF is available in multiple translations with the offerings on the site then tailored to international visitors to France.
However, some of the site's features, including the integration of mobility assistance into the booking path, are only available on the French language version.

Something else to look out for is that simplest way of travelling with tickets is to use the SNCF 'My Travel' phone app, so it's therefore often a good idea to book on the OuiSNCF mobile service.

Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Journey Features

Scenic - NoHigh Speed

Good to Know

For a stress-free journey it's a good idea to be at the Gare Du Nord at least 20 minutes before departure as all passengers taking the Thalys trains have to pass through security checks.
So being at the back of the queue wondering if you'll be able to board in time is a scenario best avoided.

Journey Features

Not High Speed

Good to Know

Final Destination: Oostende/Blankenberge/Brugge/Knokke

These trains also call at: Gent St-Pieters

These fast trains from Bruxelles to Brugge/Bruges only make one intermediate station call in Gent.

There are only 2 x of these fast IC trains per hour at weekends.

When looking at the departure information screens at the station, take care to avoid the trains to Brugge, which are calling at Kortrijk; they're more than 45 mins slower than these trains.

Option 2: Travelling via Lille is a cheaper option for rail pass users

Travel Information

Note that these trains depart from the Gare Du Nord in Paris.

Final Destination: Lille

The overwhelming majority of the TGVs between Paris and Lille arrive at Lille Flandres station, which is where the trains on to Belgium will depart from.

If you're not wowed by high speed train travel, then you'll have a brief, but otherwise unmemorable train journey from Paris to Lille.
This is a journey that's functional rather than fabulous, though the train will be travelling at more than 280 km/h from the outskirts of Paris, all the way to Lille.

Change trains in: Lille AND Kortrijk

up to 13 x connections per day.

This routing via Lille is longer and more awkward than travelling from Paris to Brugge/Bruges by train via Bruxelles, but it can be around 50% cheaper.

If you will be travelling wiith a Eurail or an Interrail Pass, you will definitely be saving as the rail pass reservation fees are cheaper on the TGV trains to Lille, than on the [Thalys train sto Bruxelles.


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

If you will be travelling with an InterRail or Eurail pass, you will have to pay a reservation fee prior to the boarding the TGV to Lille, but it will be cheaper than the rail pass fees for taking the Thalys trains, on the alternative routing via Bruxelles
If you want to avoid paying any reservations at all, you will need to take this routing:

  • Paris to Amiens](/train-travel-info/journeys/from-paris-to-amiens-by-train/) on IC trains
  • Amiens to Lille on TER trains
  • Lille to Brugge; changing trains at Kortrijk
Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
B-Europe *

B-Europe Guide

B-Europe is the website provided by Belgium's national railway operator for the sale of international rail journeys from and to Belgium.
Therefore tickets can be booked for the following international train services to/from Belgium

  • Eurostar
  • IC trains to France, Luxembourg and The Netherlands
  • ICE trains to Germany
  • Thalys trains to Germany, The Netherlands and Paris
  • TGV trains to destination in France other than Paris
    B-Europe offers a 'Best Fares' policy for journey by these trains.

It also sells international end-to-end journeys solely by train, with connections outside of Belgium, if you will be heading to popular destinations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

Users of Eurail and InterRail passes can also book seat reservations on the Eurostar and Thalys services without paying booking fees.

Oui.SNCF *

Oui.SNCF Guide

SNCF is the national rail operator in France and not so long ago it recently simplified both the range of tickets and the term and conditions of using them.
Therefore the cheapest tickets also become more flexible too.

Other improvements included a simple integration of travelling with bicycles and rail pass users being able to book reservations for national journeys, without paying booking fees.

Though a legacy of when SNCF sold international tickets under the Rail Europe branding is that OuiSNCF is available in multiple translations with the offerings on the site then tailored to international visitors to France.
However, some of the site's features, including the integration of mobility assistance into the booking path, are only available on the French language version.

Something else to look out for is that simplest way of travelling with tickets is to use the SNCF 'My Travel' phone app, so it's therefore often a good idea to book on the OuiSNCF mobile service.

Journey Features

Scenic - NoHigh Speed

Good to Know

Final Destination: Anvers

Train 3

Journey Features

Scenic - NoNot High Speed

Good to Know

Final destination: Oostende

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.