Verona to Trento by train

How to travel from Verona to Trento by train on the slower, but often cheaper Regionale services



From Verona Porta Nuova to Trento

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1hr 2min - 1hr 21min

Book early and save: No (not on these trains)

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the same station immediately before departure.

If you will be buying tickets at the station just before departure then these Regionale Veloce (RGV/RV) trains will be more than 50% cheaper than the Frecce or Eurocity trains.

Though if you can book online ahead of the travel date, you can often save by taking those EuroCity trains,

Rail pass users should target these trains and avoid the rail pass reservation fees on the Frecce trains and Eurocity trains.

If you're new to booking tickets for train journeys in Italy, we also recommend taking a look at our guide to Italian train tickets - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenitalia *

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.
Trainline from €9 approx

Trainline Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

The Regionale Veloce (RV) trains tend to be around 20 mins faster than the Regionale (R) trains.

During the day there is usually a RV and/or R train departure in most hours, but on Mon-Sat there is a gap between 08:50 and 11:02.

Though as explained our Italian Train Travel Guide this lack of late morning departures is fairly typical in Italy.

Final Destination: Bolzano; Brennero or Trrento

If you're going to be booking tickets last minute at the station, then it's worth targeting these trains.

These RV/R trains are not much slower than the express, Frecce and EuroCity trains and will be around 50% cheaper if booked on the travel date.

Rail pass users should target these trains and avoid the rail pass reservation fees on the Frecce trains and Eurocity trains.

The Regionale Veloce (RV) trains tend to be around 20 mins faster than the Regionale (R) trains.

During the day there is usually a RV and/or R train departure in most hours, but on Mon-Sat there is a gap between 08:50 and 11:02.

Though as explained our Italian Train Travel Guide this lack of late morning departures is fairly typical in Italy.

Final Destination: Bolzano; Brennero or Trrento

If you're going to be booking tickets last minute at the station, then it's worth targeting these trains.

These RV/R trains are not much slower than the express, Frecce and EuroCity trains and will be around 50% cheaper if booked on the travel date.

Rail pass users should target these trains and avoid the rail pass reservation fees on the Frecce trains and Eurocity trains.

From Verona Porta Nuova to Trento

Journey Summary

Travel Time
55 min (Eurocity trains)

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 4 months* ahead of the travel date - usually

The express train service between Verona and Trento is provided by;

(1) Frecce trains operated by Trenitalia, and
(2) these EC trains, which tend to be €5 cheaper than the Frecce trains,
(3) other Italo trains

Tickets for the Trenitalia Frecce trains and the EC trains are placed on sale 4 months in advance (usually), but the Italo train tickets are made available 5 months ahead (usually)

If you're booking no more than 4 months ahead and have no particular preference for the train that you will be taking, then the price and departure times of the Frecce and Italo trains can be directly compared on Trainline and Loco2.

Trenitalia does not sell tickets for the Italo trains - and Italo does not sell tickets for the Trenitalia or EC trains.

If you're new to booking tickets for train journeys in Italy, we also recommend taking a look at our guide to Italian train tickets - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenitalia from €9.90

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.
Trainline from €9:90

Trainline Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

Final Destination: Muenchen

We have singled out these EuroCity trains as they tend to be cheaper than the Frecce trains which also travel between Verona and Trento - and they're less than 4 mins slower.

So these trains can be the best option for Verona to Trento journeys if you can book in advance and don't mind having to travel by a specific train.

Between 09:04 and 17:02 they depart from Verona every other hour.

However, if you will be using a InterRail or Eurail pass in Italy, avoid these trains and take the alternative Regionale trains instead.

Final Destination: Muenchen

We have singled out these EuroCity trains as they tend to be cheaper than the Frecce trains which also travel between Verona and Trento - and they're less than 4 mins slower.

So these trains can be the best option for Verona to Trento journeys if you can book in advance and don't mind having to travel by a specific train.

Between 09:04 and 17:02 they depart from Verona every other hour.

However, if you will be using a InterRail or Eurail pass in Italy, avoid these trains and take the alternative Regionale trains instead.

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