Paris to Mulhouse by train

The majority of the trains from Paris to Mulhouse whizz down the high speed route as they are TGVs heading to the city, or Lyria services calling in Mulhouse on route to Switzerland.
When booking tickets more than 10 days ahead of the travel date, when the 'Prems' tickets can still be available, they can also be the cheapest option.

There are also much less frequent TER trains which still take the older, conventional route.
They can be cheaper, particularly when buying tickets last minute at the station, but users of InterRail and Eurail passes who want to avoid the rail pass reservation fees, can target these trains.



Option 1: by high speed trains

Journey Summary

Travel Time
2hr 44min - 3hr 6min
Travel Information

Note that these trains depart from the Gare De Lyon in Paris, but the alternative TER trains depart from the Gare de l'Est.

Final Destination:
Zurich or Basel - the Lyria trains;
Mulhouse - the TGV trains

Some trains also call at: Besancon TGV and Belfort-Montbéliard TGV

Daily =4 x Lyria Trains per day
Mon-Thurs = 4 x TGV trains per day
Friday = 5 x TGV trains
Saturday = 3 x TGV trains
Sunday=5 x TGV trains


The direct high speed train service between Paris and Mulhouse is split between TGV-Lyria and TGV trains.
If you will be booking point-2-point tickets it doesn't particularly matter which type of train you take, tickets can be cheaper on the Lyria trains compared to the TGV trains and vice versa.

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings usually open: 3 months ahead of the travel date - but bookings can open sooner when SNCF is running a promotion.

If tickets aren't on sale yet for your travel date, you can sign up to the ticket availability notification service on Oui.SNCF.

When looking for tickets on Oui.SNCF tick the 'direct trains' box, on Trainline tick the 'fastest journeys' box.

The price is dictated by demand per departure, so book ahead and try and be flexible re: your departure and arrival times, as trains leaving earlier or later can be cheaper.

The Oui.SNCF (French national railways website) will indicate the cheapest price per day, click on this and you will be shown the departures on which this price is available.

Our step-by-step guide to booking train tickets on the Oui.SNCF (official French railways) website is available HERE.

There's also a guide to booking with an independent ticket agent.

Seats will automatically be assigned when booking tickets for this journey, but rail pass users will need to be pay a reservation fee prior to boarding.

Rail Pass Users:

Also if you have a rail pass there is no specific difference in the reservation fees for this journey* between the Lyria and TGV trains, the price and availability will depend on the departure time and date, and not by which train you will be travelling by.

*Those typically more expensive rail pass reservation fees for the Lyria trains only apply to Paris to Switzerland/Switzerland to Paris journeys.

Though you can avoid paying any rail pass reservation fees if you take the alternative service of TER trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline from €45

Trainline Guide

Oui.SNCF from €45

Oui.SNCF Guide

SNCF is the national rail operator in France and not so long ago it recently simplified both the range of tickets and the term and conditions of using them.
Therefore the cheapest tickets also become more flexible too.

Other improvements included a simple integration of travelling with bicycles and rail pass users being able to book reservations for national journeys, without paying booking fees.

Though a legacy of when SNCF sold international tickets under the Rail Europe branding is that OuiSNCF is available in multiple translations with the offerings on the site then tailored to international visitors to France.
However, some of the site's features, including the integration of mobility assistance into the booking path, are only available on the French language version.

Something else to look out for is that simplest way of travelling with tickets is to use the SNCF 'My Travel' phone app, so it's therefore often a good idea to book on the OuiSNCF mobile service.

Download the Oui.SNCF app from €45
SaveATrain from €45

SaveATrain Guide

Happyrail from €45

Happyrail Guide

Happy Rail is a Netherlands rail ticket agency which sells tickets for both national and international journeys within a range of countries including Belgium France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.

HappyRail doesn't charge booking fees in the conventional sense, but if you're not Dutch you can expect to pay additional transaction fees, which will be added to the total cost.
That's because the most common form of online payment used in The Netherlands is 'iDEAL' and HappyRail doesn't charge a transaction fee for 'iDEAL' payments, but only Dutch residents can sign up to 'iDEAL'.
Other forms of payment include Visa debit cards will incur a fee.

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - NoHigh Speed (partial)

This is a journey of three distinct parts.

1: Around seven minutes after departure, the train will move on to the high speed line south from Paris and it will then travel at more than 270 km/h for around 1hr 10mins.
The video was taken from a train travelling in the opposite direction, but it gives an idea of the journey experience on this part of the trip.

  1. The train switches to conventional tracks north of Dijon, and this is the the most scenic part of the journey
  2. Between Dijon and Mulhouse there is another high speed line.

Option 2: Eurail and InterRail pass users can save money

Journey Summary

Travel Time
4hr 29min
Travel Information

Note that these trains depart from the Gare de l'Est, but the alternative service of TGV trains depart from the Gare De Lyon.

Final Destination: Mulhouse

All trains also call at: Belfort

If you'll be travelling on to Switzerland, you'll need to take the morning departure, which usually* leaves at 06:42 on Mon-Fri and at 08:42 on Sat/Sun.

*The schedule on this route seems to be particularly susceptible to alterations, so if you will be travelling with a rail pass, it's definitely worth looking up the schedule on Oui.SNCF, even though you won't be purchasing a ticket for this journey.

3 x trains per day


Book early and save: No

Online bookings open: 3 months ahead of the travel date, usually (the booking window can be shorter in Oct-Nov).

These TER trains are much slower than the alternative TGV trains from Paris to Mulhouse, but despite that they may not be cheaper.

We're primarily listing them because if you will be travelling with a valid Eurail or InterRail pass, you don't have to pay a reservation fee to travel on these TER trains.

More information is available on our guide to using rail passes in France.

So if you have a rail pass you can avoid the reservation fees on the TGV trains between Paris and Mulhouse.

If you'll be travelling from Paris to Switzerland, you can avoid the comparatively expensive fees on the Lyria trains, by taking these trains which are usually scheduled to depart at 06:42 on Mon-Fri and at 08:42 on Sat/Sun; connecting in Mulhouse for TER trains on to Basel.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Oui.SNCF *

Oui.SNCF Guide

SNCF is the national rail operator in France and not so long ago it recently simplified both the range of tickets and the term and conditions of using them.
Therefore the cheapest tickets also become more flexible too.

Other improvements included a simple integration of travelling with bicycles and rail pass users being able to book reservations for national journeys, without paying booking fees.

Though a legacy of when SNCF sold international tickets under the Rail Europe branding is that OuiSNCF is available in multiple translations with the offerings on the site then tailored to international visitors to France.
However, some of the site's features, including the integration of mobility assistance into the booking path, are only available on the French language version.

Something else to look out for is that simplest way of travelling with tickets is to use the SNCF 'My Travel' phone app, so it's therefore often a good idea to book on the OuiSNCF mobile service.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.