Lyon to Annecy by train



From Lyon Part-Dieu to Annecy

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1hr 55min

Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the station immediately before departure.

If you're new to booking tickets for train journeys in France, we recommend taking a look at our guide to French train tickets - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Oui.SNCF *

Oui.SNCF Guide

SNCF is the national rail operator in France and not so long ago it recently simplified both the range of tickets and the term and conditions of using them.
Therefore the cheapest tickets also become more flexible too.

Other improvements included a simple integration of travelling with bicycles and rail pass users being able to book reservations for national journeys, without paying booking fees.

Though a legacy of when SNCF sold international tickets under the Rail Europe branding is that OuiSNCF is available in multiple translations with the offerings on the site then tailored to international visitors to France.
However, some of the site's features, including the integration of mobility assistance into the booking path, are only available on the French language version.

Something else to look out for is that simplest way of travelling with tickets is to use the SNCF 'My Travel' phone app, so it's therefore often a good idea to book on the OuiSNCF mobile service.

On this journey

Good to Know

According to the latest timetable there are no longer any direct trains from Lyon to Annecy.

The train services have been reorganised so that the the local trains heading south and west from Annecy now travel no farther than Aix-Les-Bains or Chambery.

So in order to travel from Lyon to Annecy by train, connections are now required in Aix-Les-Bains.

Better news is, that if you're happy to make the connection, there are actually more journey options options available then there were previously with connection depatures from Lyon Part Dieu availbale at:
07:08 Mon-Sat
09:08 daily
10:08 daily
then hourly daily from 12:08 to 20:08.

If you are new to travelling by train in France, our French Train Travel Guide is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

According to the latest timetable there are no longer any direct trains from Lyon to Annecy.

The train services have been reorganised so that the the local trains heading south and west from Annecy now travel no farther than Aix-Les-Bains or Chambery.

So in order to travel from Lyon to Annecy by train, connections are now required in Aix-Les-Bains.

Better news is, that if you're happy to make the connection, there are actually more journey options options available then there were previously with connection depatures from Lyon Part Dieu availbale at:
07:08 Mon-Sat
09:08 daily
10:08 daily
then hourly daily from 12:08 to 20:08.

If you are new to travelling by train in France, our French Train Travel Guide is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.