Crossing The Great Belt Bridge at sunset

København / Copenhagen to Odense by train

How to travel by train from Copenhagen to Odense by targeting the faster Lyn services



From København H /Copenhagen H to Odense St.

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1hr 14min

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 2 months ahead of the travel date

The most heavily discounted/cheapest tickets sold by DSB are its 'Orange' tickets.
They can be more than 60% cheaper than the standard price, so are worth tracking down.

Discounted 'Orange' tickets will be available on certain departures only by these Lyn trains.

They're more likely to be available on the slower IC trains, particularly if you are booking less than a month ahead

If you're new to booking tickets for train journeys in Denmark, we also recommend taking a look at our guide to Danish train tickets - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Our step by step guide to booking tickets on the PC version of the DSB (Danish national railways) website is available HERE


Reservations are optional, but are highly recommended for this long journey - take note if you will be using a rail pass.

Though if you will be travelling with a rail pass, these faster Lyn services are the logical choice for a train journey between Kobenhavn and Aalborg, as you won't save money if you take the slower IC services


Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

DSB Guide

DSB is the national railway operator in Denmark and its online booking services sells tickets by regional and express trains including the Lyn and IC services.
On the IC and Lyn routes look out for the discounted 'Orange' tickets if you want to save money.

Through a third party partnership DSB also sells international rail journeys between Denmark and Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Czech Republic and Austria.
Though DSB does not sell tickets for the Snabbtag express trains between Denmark and Sweden.

On this journey

Good to Know

The Danish national rail operator DSB operates both these faster Lyn services AND alternative slower, but more frequent IC services on the this route between Copenhagen/Kobenhavn and Odense

If you will be booking tickets in advance online, you may be able to save money by taking those IC services.

Though if you will be travelling with a rail pass target these Lyn services.

From Kobenhavn Lufthavn/Copenhagen Airport to Odense by train:

In odd hours, these Lyn services commence their journeys at Copenhagen Airport, but the alternative IC servives also depart from the airport hourly.

Final Destination: Aalborg st OR Aarhus st

The train journey from Kobenhavn to Odense:

It isn't a particularly scenic journey, but look out for the sea views from the two main bridges that the train will travel over.

Around 10 mins before the train will arrive in Odense it will cross the Great Belt Fixed Link, the train will travel in a tunnel and then ascend to cross the West Bridge.

If you are new to travelling by train in Denmark our Danish Train Travel Guide has info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

Crossing The Great Belt Bridge at sunset Crossing The Great Belt Bridge at sunset

The Danish national rail operator DSB operates both these faster Lyn services AND alternative slower, but more frequent IC services on the this route between Copenhagen/Kobenhavn and Odense

If you will be booking tickets in advance online, you may be able to save money by taking those IC services.

Though if you will be travelling with a rail pass target these Lyn services.

From Kobenhavn Lufthavn/Copenhagen Airport to Odense by train:

In odd hours, these Lyn services commence their journeys at Copenhagen Airport, but the alternative IC servives also depart from the airport hourly.

Final Destination: Aalborg st OR Aarhus st

The train journey from Kobenhavn to Odense:

It isn't a particularly scenic journey, but look out for the sea views from the two main bridges that the train will travel over.

Around 10 mins before the train will arrive in Odense it will cross the Great Belt Fixed Link, the train will travel in a tunnel and then ascend to cross the West Bridge.

If you are new to travelling by train in Denmark our Danish Train Travel Guide has info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

From København H /Copenhagen H to Odense St.

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1 hr 36min

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 2 months ahead of the travel date

When using the DSB website be sure to check the 'show me Orange' tickets box.

The most heavily discounted/cheapest tickets sold by DSB are its 'Orange' tickets.
They can be more than 60% cheaper than the standard price, so are worth tracking down.

If you can be flexible with your travel times, it can be worthwhile searching through the departures to look for trains on which 'Orange' tickets are available.

If you're new to booking tickets for train journeys in Denmark, we recommend taking a look at our guide to Danish train tickets - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Discounted 'Orange' tickets are more likeley to be available for these slower IC services, than on the faster alternative Lyn services -  particularly if you are booking less than a month ahead.

The cheapest 'Orange' tickets are the same price on the Lyn and IC trains - so if you see them available on a Lyn service, then that alternative is clearly the better option.

Reservations are optional, but these can be busy trains - take note if you will be using a rail pass.

Our step by step guide to booking tickets on the PC version of the DSB (Danish national railways) website is available HERE

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

DSB Guide

DSB is the national railway operator in Denmark and its online booking services sells tickets by regional and express trains including the Lyn and IC services.
On the IC and Lyn routes look out for the discounted 'Orange' tickets if you want to save money.

Through a third party partnership DSB also sells international rail journeys between Denmark and Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Czech Republic and Austria.
Though DSB does not sell tickets for the Snabbtag express trains between Denmark and Sweden.

On this journey

Good to Know

The Danish national rail operator DSB operates both  faster Lyn services AND these slower IC services on the this route between Copenhagen/Kobenhavn and Odense

If you will be booking tickets in advance online, you may be able to save money by taking these IC services.

Though if you will be travelling with a rail pass target those faster Lyn services.

Departing from Copenhagen/Kobenhavn:

Final Destination: Esbjerg or Aalborg

All trains also call at: Frederica

Like those Lyn services, these IC services depart from Kobenhavn H - the main station in the city, but one of these hourly IC trains, the train heading to Esbjerg commences its journey at Osterport station and also calls at Norreport station.

The hourly trains heading to Aalborg commence their journeys at the station within Kastrup Airport.

In odd hours, those Lyn services also depart from the airport, so provide a faster alternative

The journey from Copenhagen/Kobenhavn to Odense:

It isn't a particularly scenic journey, but look out for the sea views from the two main bridges that the train will travel over.

Around 10 mins before the train will arrive in Odense it will cross the Great Belt Fixed Link, the train will travel in a tunnel and then ascend to cross the West Bridge.

If you are new to travelling by train in Denmark our Danish Train Travel Guide has info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

Crossing The Great Belt Bridge at sunset Crossing The Great Belt Bridge at sunset

The Danish national rail operator DSB operates both  faster Lyn services AND these slower IC services on the this route between Copenhagen/Kobenhavn and Odense

If you will be booking tickets in advance online, you may be able to save money by taking these IC services.

Though if you will be travelling with a rail pass target those faster Lyn services.

Departing from Copenhagen/Kobenhavn:

Final Destination: Esbjerg or Aalborg

All trains also call at: Frederica

Like those Lyn services, these IC services depart from Kobenhavn H - the main station in the city, but one of these hourly IC trains, the train heading to Esbjerg commences its journey at Osterport station and also calls at Norreport station.

The hourly trains heading to Aalborg commence their journeys at the station within Kastrup Airport.

In odd hours, those Lyn services also depart from the airport, so provide a faster alternative

The journey from Copenhagen/Kobenhavn to Odense:

It isn't a particularly scenic journey, but look out for the sea views from the two main bridges that the train will travel over.

Around 10 mins before the train will arrive in Odense it will cross the Great Belt Fixed Link, the train will travel in a tunnel and then ascend to cross the West Bridge.

If you are new to travelling by train in Denmark our Danish Train Travel Guide has info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.