Bologna to Lecce by train

How to travel from Bologna to Lecce by train along the lovely Adriatic Coast

There is a two choice of two express services when taking a train from Bologna to Bari:
1 - The more frequent Frecce services are also faster, despite the lack of a high speed line; but that speed tends to come at a higher price.
2 - There also InterCity services, which are slower because they make more station calls.



Option 1: taking the faster Frecce trains

Journey Summary

Travel Time
7hr 6min
Travel Information

Final Destination: Lecce

These trains also call at: Bari and Brindisi

There isn't a high speed line between Bologna and Lecce, so these 'Frecce' trains are faster than the alternative slower, but often cheaper, InterCity trains, because they call at fewer stations.

The train which is due to depart daily from Bologna at 11:45 is now a Frecciarossa train.

7 x trains per day


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 4 months ahead of the travel date

Trains departing at different times can be cheaper than others leaving on the same day, so you may need to look through the day's departures to find the cheapest fares.

On the ticket booking websites you can compare these trains with the prices of the slower InterCity trains, which also take this route.

Rail Pass Users:

If you will be travelling with a valid Eurail or InterRail pass, you will need to reserve prior to boarding these trains, either at the station (using a Trenitalia ticket machine or ticket desk) OR by booking them online.

Though the €10 rail pass fees can be avoided if you take the IC trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Italiarail from €39.90

Italiarail Guide

ItaliaRail lives up to its name by selling tickets for rail journeys within Italy and the core feature of its service is that it is primarily designed to be used by international visitors to Italy.
So the English translations of place names are used when looking up journeys and the terms and conditions for using each type of ticket are clearly explained.
It also clearly points out the additional costs of upgrading to other classes and types of tickets while spelling out the additional benefits of doing so.

Users of InterRail and Eurail passes can also book seat reservations on the Frecce and InterCity trains without paying a booking fee,

Trenitalia from €39.90

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.
SaveATrain from €39.90

SaveATrain Guide

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - YesCoastal viewsNot High Speed

Good to Know

These trains don't depart from the AV station at Bologna Centrale, so they're most easily accessed from the main entrance.

Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona

If your reserved seat is on the left the train (when facing the direction of travel) you'll be able to fully appreciate the highlights of the journey, which kick in after the train has departed from Rimini.
(If your seat isn't on the left, temporarily move over to one which is).

Once the train has travelled around 20 mins south of Rimini, you'll be able to revel in one of the best coastal train journeys in all of Europe.
For much of this part of the trip, the beach is all that separates The Adriatic from the train - a particular highlight is the part of the journey to the north of Ancona.

The sea views then continue, with the train travelling by the coast for around an hour in total, either side of Pescara.

Option 2: taking the Intercity trains

Journey Summary

Travel Time
8hr 56min - 9hr 6min
Travel Information

Final Destination: Lecce

These trains also call at: Bari and Brindisi

There isn't a high speed line between Bologna and Lecce, the alternative Frecce trains are primarily faster because they call at fewer stations.

Sunday to Friday = 2 x trains per day
Saturday = 3 x trains


Trains departing at different times can be cheaper than others leaving on the same day, so you may need to look through the day's departures to find the cheapest fares.

On the ticket booking websites you can compare these trains with the prices of the faster Frecce trains, which also take this route.

Rail pass users:

Target these IC trains if you want to save €10 on rail pass reservation fees.
Though if you'll want the peace of mind of being able to remain in the same seat for the entire journey, paying the optional €3 reservation fee is virtually essential.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Italiarail from €29.90

Italiarail Guide

ItaliaRail lives up to its name by selling tickets for rail journeys within Italy and the core feature of its service is that it is primarily designed to be used by international visitors to Italy.
So the English translations of place names are used when looking up journeys and the terms and conditions for using each type of ticket are clearly explained.
It also clearly points out the additional costs of upgrading to other classes and types of tickets while spelling out the additional benefits of doing so.

Users of InterRail and Eurail passes can also book seat reservations on the Frecce and InterCity trains without paying a booking fee,

Trenitalia from €29.90

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.
Saveatrain from €29.90

Saveatrain Guide

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - YesCoastal viewsNot High Speed
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona
Between Rimini and Ancona Between Rimini and Ancona

These InterCity trains take the same route as the Frecce trains.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.