Amsterdam to Praha / Prague / Prag by train

Making long journey by day from Amsterdam to Prague / Praha by train is easier than you may imagine.
Only one connection is required in the magnificent main station in Berlin and the time available between trains should ensure a stress-free transfer.

Making the journey overnight isn't feasible, there are now no night trains between Amsterdam and Berlin or between Berlin and Prague.



From Amsterdam Centraal / Amsterdam CS to Praha hl.n.


Book in advance and save: YES

Online bookings usually open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

Look for the connections that depart Amsterdam at 07:00 on Mon-Sat and 09:00 daily.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
NS International from  €69 (approx)

NS International Guide

NS is the Dutch national rail operator and it operates a bespoke website for the booking of international rail journeys from and to The Netherlands.
Therefore it offers tickets for journeys by:

  • Thalys trains to Bruxelles and Paris
  • IC trains to Berlin via Hannover and Bruxelles via Antwerpen
  • Eurostar to London
  • ICE trains to Basel and Frankfurt (Main) via Koln
  • the Nightjet trains to Austria and Germany

NS International also sells tickets to a range of destinations in Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Italy and Switzerland, which involve a change of train in Germany, along with the destinations in France, which can be accessed by making a connection in Bruxelles.

Journey Features

Scenic - NoHigh Speed (partial)

Good to Know

Final Destination: Berlin Ost

All trains also call at: Amersfoort; Bremen; Hannover; Berlin Spandau

Journey Features

Not High SpeedScenic - Yes

Good to Know

Final Destination: Budapest* or Praha/Prag (German spelling) or Graz**

These trains normally depart from the lower level (tief) in Berlin Hbf.

Arriving in Praha/Prague:

Don't assume that you have to leave the train at Praha hl.n. - the main station in the city.

These trains first call at Praha-Holešovice and this station has easier connections (by tram) to some parts of the city, particularly by the river - including The King Charles Bridge.

Like Praha hl.n. it is also served by Line C of the Prague Metro and if your final destination in the city is along Line C, you'll have a quicker journey if you leave the train at Praha-Holešovice.

It takes more than 10 minutes for the trains to travel on to Praha hl.n so you can be on your way to your destination before these trains will have arrived there.

Between Bad Schandau and Prague #1 Between Bad Schandau and Prague #1
Between Bad Schandau and Prague #2 Between Bad Schandau and Prague #2
Between Bad Schandau and Prague #3 Between Bad Schandau and Prague #3
Between Bad Schandau and Prague #4 Between Bad Schandau and Prague #4

Between Dresden and Prague, the train travels through the beautiful Elbe River valley, but sit on the left of the train (when facing the direction of travel) for the best views.

This part of the journey between Dresden and Prague/Praha is so fabulous that it's featured on the Daily Telegraph's list of Best Train Journeys that can be completed in a day.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.