Zürich / Zurich to Praha / Prague / Prag by train

How to take the rail journey from Zurich to Prague/Praha

The overnight service from Zurich to Prague/Praha is the only direct train from Switzerland to Czechia.
Travelling by day on trains from Zurich to Prague/Praha involves making connections in Linz OR Munchen/Munich, but on both routes the connections on to Czechia involve fairly lengthy journeys on regional trains, which lack the ambience and facilities typically found on express trains.



From Zürich HB / Zurich main station to Praha hl.n.

Travel Information

This train is scheduled to depart from Zurich HB at 21:40 and arrive in Praha hl.n. station at 10:57

Final Destination: Praha

This train also calls at: Ceske Budejovice.

1 x train per night


Book early and save: Yes

Tickets for this journey can be ordered 'online' on SBB, but you will not be making the actual booking yourself.

Click the 'Book Online Offer now' button on the SBB Czech page and you will fill out a form giving details of your intended journey - and a member of the SBB Travel team will reply by email with details of your booking.

You will have to register on SBB before you submit the ticket request form, so you may as well do this first and then start the booking process.

This train comprises;
- seats in open plan coaches*
- Sleeping cars with 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 cabins (there are no deluxe sleeping cars with showers in the cabins available on this route)

There are also NO couchettes available on this journey from Zurich to Praha/Prague**

Click the train details above for more info including the rail pass reservation fees:

Rail pass users must reserve before boarding this train.

The reservations can be arranged and paid for at the SBB Travel desk in Zurich HB station - ideally do this when you first arrive at Zurich HB station on the preceding train on your itinerary.
Though you will have to pay a booking fee at the station; so using the Eurail/InterRail reservation services is a cheaper option.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

SBB Guide

SBB is the main national rail operator in Switzerland, but tickets for journeys by the other significant operators including BLS and SOB can be be booked on the SBB website.

SBB also sells tickets for journeys to many destinations which involve a combination of SBB trains and services provided by the many independent operators who serve the Alpine resort towns.
However, if you will be making a long-distance return day trip, look out for he possibility of SaverDay passes being cheaper than tickets.

Though if you download the SBB app, booking tickets on SBB's mobile services can be simper than using the website.
Also watch out for the fact that booking international tickets can be comparatively quirky.

On this journey

Journey Features


Good to Know

At Zurich HB station, on the departure screens, you may only see a train leaving at 21:40 that's heading to Wien or Budapest; if you do then that info will also be for this train.
On departure from Zurich the coaches heading to Praha are attached to other coaches heading to the Austrian and Hungarian capitals.

The journey time is comparatively long because the coaches headed for Praha are detached from the parts of the train heading to Wien and Budapest at Linz station.
They then wait in Linz for the first train of the day on from there to Czechia to depart, and are then attached to that train in order to complete the journey.

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