Warszawa / Warsaw to Wroclaw by train

How to travel by train from Warsaw by Wroclaw by taking the faster and more comfortable EIP services



From Warszawa Centralna to Wrocław Główny

Journey Summary

Travel Time
3hr 33min - 3hr 55min (EIP and EIC trains)

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 30 days ahead of the travel date

As will be seen when looking up journeys on PKP, the train service between Warszawa and Wroclaw  is split between:

1 - these fast express services, two EIP departures, an EIC service and an IC service - which is inexplicably much faster than the other IC trains on this route

2 – other generally much slower IC services.

Tickets for the EIP services will generally be more expensive, but the difference in journey time with the EIC train and the faster IC train is only around 15 - 25mins

However, on this route those slower IC trains will be the least expensive option, particularly when the cheapest tickets for these faster trains have sold out.

We recommend taking a look at our guide to booking tickets on the PKP InterCity website

Our general information for Polish train tickets is available here.

Using Rail Passes:

Rail pass users will need to make reservations before boarding these trains - but on this route, the best option can be targeting the EIC services, as explained here.

Book the reservations at a station when you arrive in Poland.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

PKP Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

Final Destination: Wroclaw

The two daily EIP trains are the departures which have a journey time of 3hr 33mins.

They are usually scheduled to depart from Warszawa Centralna station at:
11:50 on Monday to Saturday
12:00 on Sunday
16:05 Daily

*One of these faster trains is an IC service and not an EIC service, but it is more than 40 mins faster than the other slower IC services on this route.

Our general guide to travelling by train in Poland is available here.

Departing from Warszawa/Warsaw:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

Final Destination: Wroclaw

The two daily EIP trains are the departures which have a journey time of 3hr 33mins.

They are usually scheduled to depart from Warszawa Centralna station at:
11:50 on Monday to Saturday
12:00 on Sunday
16:05 Daily

*One of these faster trains is an IC service and not an EIC service, but it is more than 40 mins faster than the other slower IC services on this route.

Our general guide to travelling by train in Poland is available here.

Departing from Warszawa/Warsaw:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

From Warszawa Centralna to Wrocław Główny

Journey Summary

Travel Time
4hr 22min - 5hr 6min* (IC trains)

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 30 days ahead of the travel date

As will be seen when looking up journeys on PKP, the train service between Warszawa and Wroclaw is split between:

1 - these slower IC servicves

2 – other faster services - two of which are EIP trains and one of which is an IC train, which happens top be more than 45 mins faster than these other IC services.

On this route those slower IC trains will be the least expensive option, particularly when the cheapest tickets for these faster trains have sold out - but when comparing prices, also compare the journey times, there can be particularly large differences in the journey times of the trains on this route

We recommend taking a look at our guide to booking tickets on the PKP InterCity website

Our general information for Polish train tickets is available here.

Using Rail Passes:

Rail pass users will need to make reservations before boarding these trains - but on this route, the best option can be targeting the EIC service or that faster IC service, as explained here.

Book the reservations at a station when you arrive in Poland.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

PKP Guide

On this journey

Journey Features

High Speed (partial)

Good to Know

Final Destination: Wroclaw

*Choose your departure with care when taking the train from Warszawa to Wroclaw.

As can be seen there are large variations in the journey times of the IC services on this route.

Some have even been excluded from our summary, as the journey times are much longer, so long that taking them is an illogical choice on this route.

In total contrast, another IC train is so much faster, that's been included on the express train journey summary for this Warsaw to Wroclaw route.

Our general guide to travelling by train in Poland is available here.

Departing from Warszawa/Warsaw:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

Final Destination: Wroclaw

*Choose your departure with care when taking the train from Warszawa to Wroclaw.

As can be seen there are large variations in the journey times of the IC services on this route.

Some have even been excluded from our summary, as the journey times are much longer, so long that taking them is an illogical choice on this route.

In total contrast, another IC train is so much faster, that's been included on the express train journey summary for this Warsaw to Wroclaw route.

Our general guide to travelling by train in Poland is available here.

Departing from Warszawa/Warsaw:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.