Warszawa / Warsaw to Poznań / Poznan by train

How to travel by train from Warsaw by Poznan by taking the faster EIC express services



From Warszawa Centralna to Poznań Główny

Journey Summary

Travel Time
3hr 30min - 3hr 40min* approx (EIC trains)

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 30 days ahead of the travel date

As will be seen when looking up journeys on PKP InterCity, the train service between Warszawa and Poznan is split between these EIC* trains and the slower, but cheaper TLK services.

*There are no EIP trains on this route.

We recommend taking a look at our guide to booking tickets on the PKP InterCity website

Our general information for Polish train tickets is available here.

Using Rail Passes:

Rail pass users will need to make reservations before boarding these trains, as explained here.

Book the reservations at a station when you arrive in Poland.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

PKP Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

* Until Monday June 24th the journey time is extended by more than an hour, as the direct route will be closed due to works to update the line.

Some of these EIC services, will be the EC services that will be travelling on to Berlin - so don't be surprised to see 'Berlin - Warszawa Express' emblazoned on the sides of the coaches.

On Saturdays all the express trains from Warszawa to Poznan will be the Berlin-Warszawa services.

Final Destination:

These trains mainly continue beyond Poznan to reach a swathe of other destinations including Berlin or Szczecin or Swinoujscie or Zielona Gora or Poznan.

Departing from Warzaw/Warszawa:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

The slower, but cheaper alternative trains:

As per usual when taking a long-distance express train route in Poland, there are cheaper TLK trains available when making a train journey from Warsaw to Poznan.

* Until Monday June 24th the journey time is extended by more than an hour, as the direct route will be closed due to works to update the line.

Some of these EIC services, will be the EC services that will be travelling on to Berlin - so don't be surprised to see 'Berlin - Warszawa Express' emblazoned on the sides of the coaches.

On Saturdays all the express trains from Warszawa to Poznan will be the Berlin-Warszawa services.

Final Destination:

These trains mainly continue beyond Poznan to reach a swathe of other destinations including Berlin or Szczecin or Swinoujscie or Zielona Gora or Poznan.

Departing from Warzaw/Warszawa:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 direct from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

The slower, but cheaper alternative trains:

As per usual when taking a long-distance express train route in Poland, there are cheaper TLK trains available when making a train journey from Warsaw to Poznan.

From Warszawa Centralna to Poznań Główny

Journey Summary

Travel Time
3hr 53min - 4hr 12min (TLK trains)

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 30 days ahead of the travel date

As will be seen when looking up journeys on the PKP website, the train service between Warszawa and Poznan is split between faster* EIC trains and these slower TLK trains.

These TLK trains are cheaper - if you will be booking only a couple of days ahead, it's likely that the ticket price for these TLK trains will be around 50% less than for those EIC trains.

*Due to works on the usual direct route, both these TLK services and those EIC services are having to take a longer route, as a result these TLK trains can be less than 30 mins slower than the EIC trains.

So if the ticket price matters more to you than the on-board experience, it can be worth targeting these TLK services.

We recommend taking a look at our guide to booking tickets on the PKP InterCity website

Our general information for Polish train tickets is available here.

Using Rail Passes:

Rail pass users will need to make reservations before boarding these TLK trains or the faster EIC services, but the best option will be to target those EIC services, as explained here.

Book the reservations at a station when you arrive in Poland.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

PKP Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

*Due to works on the usual direct route, both these TLK services and those EIC services are having to take a longer route, as a result these TLK trains can be less than 30 mins slower than the EIC trains.

Final Destination: Poznan-Glowny (or Zielona Gora)

Departing from Warsaw/Warszawa:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

The alternative trains:

As per usual when taking a long-distance express train route in Poland, these slower TLK services provide a cheaper alternative to the faster EIC services, when making a train journey from Warsaw to Poznan.

*Due to works on the usual direct route, both these TLK services and those EIC services are having to take a longer route, as a result these TLK trains can be less than 30 mins slower than the EIC trains.

Final Destination: Poznan-Glowny (or Zielona Gora)

Departing from Warsaw/Warszawa:

These trains cross the city from east to west - so they call first at Warszawa Wschodnia station, which is on the eastern side of the city centre.

If you will be commencing a journey in the vicinity of the old town, you can take tram line/route 13 from the 'Stare Miasto' stop direct to Wschodnia station.

They then call at Warszawa Centralna - the main station in the city, which is why we've used it for the orange station info button, which can be clicked above

After departing from Warszawa Centralna these trains will then call at Warszawa Zachodnia.

So check the location of the starting point of your journey, to see which of these three stations will suit you best.

The alternative trains:

As per usual when taking a long-distance express train route in Poland, these slower TLK services provide a cheaper alternative to the faster EIC services, when making a train journey from Warsaw to Poznan.

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