Milano / Milan / Mailand to Arona by train

How to take a train journey from Milano to Arona on Lake Maggiore

Arona on the shores of Lake Maggiore is close enough to Milano to be part of the city's regional train network, which is operated by Trenord and not by Treniatlia.
The only options for taking a train from Milano to Arona are therefore the Regionale (R) services operated by Trenord.

Though a complication is that most of the trains depart from Milano's secondary station, Porta Garibaldi, with fewer departures also available from the city's main rail station, Milano Centrale.
So if you will be buying tickets last minute at the station (you can't save by booking in advance) it's best to look up the train times on the Trenord website before setting off for the station
There are gaps of more than an hour between departures from both Porta Garibaldi and Centrale stations



Option 1: from Porta Garibaldi

Journey Summary

Travel Information

Final Destination: Arona or Domodossola

Some trains also call at: Stresa (the trains continuing beyond Arona to Domodossola)

There are 2 x train services that are operated by Trenord between Milano and Arona

(1) These trains (on line R23) which depart from Milano Porta Garibaldi station and NOT from Milano Centrale station.
These trains generally depart hourly, but there are no departures from Milano on THIS service, between 08:49 and 11:49.

(2) Other trains which depart from Milano Centrale.
Those trains (on line RE4) are slightly faster, but they are less frequent than these trains from Porta Garibaldi station.
However, there is usually a departure from Milano Centrale at 09:25 - which plugs the gap between departures from Porta Garibaldi.

15 x trains per day


Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the station immediately before departure.

This train service is operated by Trenord and not Trenitalia.

InterRail and Eurail Passes CAN be used on Trenord's trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenord *

Option2: from Milano Centrale to Arona

Journey Summary

Travel Information

Final Destination: Domodossola

All trains also call at: Stresa

There are 2 x train services that are operated by Trenord between Milano and Arona

(1) Other trains (on line R23) which depart from Milano Porta Garibaldi station and NOT from Milano Centrale station.
Those alternative trains generally depart hourly, but there are no departures from Milano on that service, between 08:49 and 11:49.

(2) These trains which depart from Milano Centrale.
These trains (on line RE4) are slightly faster, but they are less frequent than the trains from Porta Garibaldi station.

However, there is usually a departure from Milano Centrale at 09:25, which plugs the gap between departures from Porta Garibaldi.

9 x trains per day


Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the station immediately before departure.

This train service is operated by Trenord and not Trenitalia.

InterRail and Eurail Passes CAN be used on Trenord's trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenord *
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