Genève / Geneva to Gstaad by train

Regardless of whether you want to enjoy the delights of Gstaad, this is a gorgeous journey

If you will be in the fortunate position of holidaying in Gstaad, the town has particularly easy access by train from Geneve.



From Genève/Geneva-Cornavin to Gstaad

Journey Summary

Travel Time
2hr 30min - 2hr 39min
Travel Information

It's an easy and wonderfully beautiful journey from Geneve to Gstaad by train, particularly if you follow our advice about which sides of the train you should sit on so that you can make the most of the stunning views.

The connecting time between trains in Montreux is usually around 7 mins, but this connection can usually be guaranteed.
In this direction the MOB train will simply depart from the opposite side to the platform/track/gleis that the train from Geneve will have arrived at. so making the transfer couldn't be easier.

If you will be travelling with a rail pass, you simply hop on the next train to Gstaad.
Or if you opt to buy tickets, avoid having to book tickets for the MOB train at Montreux station against the clock, by booking tickets for the end-to-end journey.

1 x connection per hour

Change trains in: Montreux


Tickets can be booked online for this end-to-end journey from 60 days ahead of the travel date.

‘Individual tickets’ can be used on any train(s) on your travel date, but they tend to be comparatively expensive.

'Supersaver tickets' are cheaper, the portion of the journey by the SBB train can be discounted by up to 50%, but these tickets are train departure specific for more advice on how to book these tickets

If you book a Supersaver ticket and a flight delay etc, causes you to miss a train you are booked on to, you will have to book another full-price ‘Individual Ticket(s).
You can then apply for a refund of the Supersaver ticket, but the application costs CHF 10.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

SBB Guide

SBB is the main national rail operator in Switzerland, but tickets for journeys by the other significant operators including BLS and SOB can be be booked on the SBB website.

SBB also sells tickets for journeys to many destinations which involve a combination of SBB trains and services provided by the many independent operators who serve the Alpine resort towns.
However, if you will be making a long-distance return day trip, look out for he possibility of SaverDay passes being cheaper than tickets.

Though if you download the SBB app, booking tickets on SBB's mobile services can be simper than using the website.
Also watch out for the fact that booking international tickets can be comparatively quirky.

Journey Features

Scenic - YesLake views

Good to Know

Final Destination:

Brig (the IR trains)
Milano (the EC trains)

By far the most frequent service is by the IR trains, there are only 4 x EC trains per day; and those trains are less than 5 mins faster and tend to be more expensive.
Though some of the optimum connections involve taking the EC and not the IR train between Geneve and Montreux.

But for such a comparatively short journey it doesn't particularly matter which train you will travel by, if you'll be setting off from the city centre, the journey will be comfortable and beautiful regardless.

Although if you'll be heading to Gstaad from Geneve-Aeroport then ideally avoid those connections by EC train
The EC trains don't commence their journeys at the Aeroport, but the IR trains do

Looking over Lake Geneva south of Lausanne #1 Looking over Lake Geneva south of Lausanne #1
Looking over Lake Geneva south of Lausanne #2 Looking over Lake Geneva south of Lausanne #2

After Lausanne there are some great views over Lake Geneva, from the right of the train.

Train 2

Image coming soon...
Image coming soon...

Journey Features

Scenic - YesLake viewsMountain views

Good to Know

The MOB train will be either a regular train, or a special 'Belle-Epoque' or 'Panoramic' train, but if departure/arrivals times matter most, don't be too overly concerned about the type of train you will be travelling by.

The ticket prices and journey times will be the same - irrespective of the train that is providing the optimum connection at the time which suits you.

Final Destination: Zweisimmen

Looking down over Montreux as the train begins its ascent Looking down over Montreux as the train begins its ascent
The view over Lake Geneva The view over Lake Geneva
The fabulous views continue as the train travels east The fabulous views continue as the train travels east
Passing a small lake on the way to Gstaad Passing a small lake on the way to Gstaad
On a cloudy day the views of the mountains are still fabulous! On a cloudy day the views of the mountains are still fabulous!
Looking back down the valley towards Montreux Looking back down the valley towards Montreux

When travelling from Montreux TO Gstaad the best views are from the right of the train (when facing the direction of travel).

There are stunning views over Lake Geneva from both sides of the train as the train twists and turns on the ascent from Montreux, but the pick of the views are on the right hand side.

As the train turns inland, between the lake and Gstaad, the best of the views over the mountain valleys are also on the right.

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