Berlin to København / Copenhagen by train

How to take a train journey from Berlin to Copenhagen

Now that Danish trains are used for the daytime rail journeys from Germany to Denmark, direct journeys by day are no longer an option when travelling by train between Berlin and Copenhagen/København.

Travelling overnight is not a feasible option on this route.



From Berlin Hbf to København H /Copenhagen H

Travel Information

The direct daytime train service between Berlin and Koebenhavn (German spelling) was discontinued a few years ago.
During the day connections now have to be made between trains at Hamburg Hbf.

Depart from Berlin daily at 10:38 and 14:38 (and at 06:38 on Mon-Fri) and the end-to-end journey time is scheduled to be 6hr 55min, which includes making a 22 min connection between trains in Hamburg.

However, as the trains on to Koebenhavn depart infrequently (and the 14:38 will be connecting into the final train of the day on to Denmark), the recommendation is to plan your journey so that you will be departing earlier from Berlin and allow more time to transfer between trains in Hamburg.
There are usually two trains per hour from Berlin to Hamburg.

When looking up the journey with DB (German national railways) online, an option is to increase the connecting time between trains to 45 mins.
The journey options you will then see will have an end-to-end time of around 7hr 55mins, because they will allow 80 minutes to make the connection in Hamburg.
The street beside Hamburg Hbf is named Kirchenallee and it is line with cafes which will be convenient locations in which to while away the time between trains.

Mon- Fri: 3 x connections per day
Sat/Sun: 2 x connections per day

Change trains in: Hamburg


Book in advance and save: YES

Online bookings usually open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

Reservations on the Berlin to Hamburg train:

Book 1st class ticket journey tickets and your seat reservation is included - but they're optional when booking 2nd class tickets, or if you will be travelling with a 1st or 2nd class rail pass.
Though for this comparatively short journey the reservation fees of €4.50 in 2nd class and €5.90 in 1st class are relatively expensive.

Reservations on the Hamburg to Kobenhavn/Copenhagen train June 11th - Sept 3rd:

Between theses dates reservations are compulsory on these trains, the reservations SHOULD automatically be included when booking both 1st AND 2nd class tickets.
Rail Pass users will need to have made seat reservations prior to boarding.

Reservations on the Hamburg to Kobenhavn/Copenhagen train on other dates:

Book 1st class ticket journey tickets with DB and your seat reservation is included - but they're optional when booking 2nd class tickets, or if you will be travelling with a 1st or 2nd class rail pass.

Though we recommend paying the reservation fees of €4.50 in 2nd class and €5.90 in 1st class, as these can be busy trains, particularly on Fridays - Sundays.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
DB Bahn from  €35.90 (approx)

DB Bahn Guide

DB is the national railway operator in Germany, so its website can be used for booking journeys by German express trains; the ICE and IC trains and it doesn't charge booking fees.
It also sells tickets for journeys by direct trains on all international routes from Germany regardless of whether DB is operating the train service.

It also sells an extensive range of end-to-end journeys which involve making connections both within Germany and in neighboring countries, but journeys between Germany and Britain cannot be booked on DB.

A key feature of DB website worth keeping mind is that it offers 1st class ticket purchasers complimentary seat reservations on journeys both within and to/from Germany.

Seat reservations for daytime in both 1st and 2nd class can also be booked separately from tickets.

Journey Features

Scenic - NoNot High Speed

Good to Know

Final destination:* Hamburg or Kiel

Departing from Berlin:

At Berlin Hbf the train should depart from the lower level (tief) platforms/gleis.

All of these trains also call at: Berlin-Spandau

If you will be setting off from West Berlin, your best option may be to commence your journey at Berlin Zoologischer Garten (Berlin-Zoo) station.

Good to Know

On German rail timetables and on the station info, these trains are referred to IC trains, but Danish IC trains and not German trains are used on this route.

Final Destination: Koebenhavn H (German Spelling)

All trains also call at: Odense and Ringtsted (connect for Roskilde)

Crossing the Kiel canal at Rendsburg Crossing the Kiel canal at Rendsburg
The railway has to climb up to access the spectacular Rendsburg High Bridge The railway has to climb up to access the spectacular Rendsburg High Bridge
The train spirals down through the town, two mins earlier the train was on the viaduct The train spirals down through the town, two mins earlier the train was on the viaduct
Passing through Flensburg, there are distant views of the coast north of here Passing through Flensburg, there are distant views of the coast north of here
Crossing the Great Belt on a summer evening Crossing the Great Belt on a summer evening

These trains used to be shunted on to a ferry for a sea crossing between Germany and Denmark, but the Danish part of that route is being affected by engineering weeks in preparation for the opening of the Fehmarn Fixed Link tunnel  in around 2028.

Hence this train service between Hamburg and the Danish capital has been re-routed to travel overland 
via the Jutland peninsular.

So a less fascinating journey than the previous route and scenically this route is uninteresting, but it does have three highlights, which you can't miss if you will be travelling when it's daylight.

(1)  The spectacular crossing of the Kiel Canal on the Rendsburg High Bridge - the corkscrew descent into the town and its station is quite something.

(2) After departure from Kolding the train will cross the Little Belt Bridge, which connects Jutland to the island of Funen.

(3) Then around 15 mins after departing Odense, the train will cross the Great Belt Fixed Link between Funen and the island of Zealand.

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