Milano / Milan / Mailand to Mantova / Mantua by train



From Milano Centrale to Mantova

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1hr 50min - 1hr 55min

Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the station immediately before departure.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenitalia *

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - NoHigh Speed (partial)

Good to Know

Final Destination:  Mantova

Until 17:15 trains depart in even hours only, but there are hourly trains between 17:15 and 20:20.

If you’re new to travelling by train in Italy, more info is also available on our Italian Train Travel Guide.
 It is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

Final Destination:  Mantova

Until 17:15 trains depart in even hours only, but there are hourly trains between 17:15 and 20:20.

If you’re new to travelling by train in Italy, more info is also available on our Italian Train Travel Guide.
 It is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.