Madrid to Avignon by train

How to take the rail journey from Madrid to Avignon

The usual daily direct train from Madrid to Avignon has been temporarily suspended, due to supressed demand as a result of the pandemic.

The only current viable option for making the journey is to make two connections and take this combination of trains;
06:30 from Madrid Atocha to Barcelona Sants
10:05 from Barcelona Sants to Nimes (45 min connection)
14:47 from Nimes to Avignon Centre station (1hr 2 min connection)
Arrive at Avignon Centre in the heart of the town at 15:44.



From Madrid Atocha/Puerta De Atocha to Avignon TGV

Travel Information

Final Destination: Marseille

The train also calls at: Montpellier and Nimes;

The train is usually scheduled to daily from Madrid at 13:25 (but it has been temporarily suspended).

1 x train per day (usually)


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: up to 4 months ahead of the travel date

These trains are usually scheduled to depart from Madrid Atocha daily at 13:25 - so target that time when looking up this journey
(The alternative option while this train is suspended can be booked on Trainline).


Seats will automatically be assigned when booking tickets for this journey.

Rail Pass Users:

Rail pass users will need to be pay a reservation fee prior to boarding, but these reservations cannot be booked on the ticket agent's websites.

If you want the peace of mind of reserving before arriving at a Spanish station, you will need to use the Eurail and InterRail booking services to reserve your seats - and pay the booking fee for doing so.

Though you can avoid a booking fee if you do reserve at a Spanish station.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

On this journey

Journey Features

High Speed (partial)
You will be travellng more than twice as fast as the traffic on the freeways - hence the cars and trucks become blurs You will be travellng more than twice as fast as the traffic on the freeways - hence the cars and trucks become blurs
Near Zaragoza the landscape which can be seen from both sides of the train has an other worldly quality Near Zaragoza the landscape which can be seen from both sides of the train has an other worldly quality
There are frequent distant view of mountains from both sides of the train There are frequent distant view of mountains from both sides of the train
From the high speed line between Figueres and Perpignan From the high speed line between Figueres and Perpignan
Between the sea and the lagoons north of Perpignan Between the sea and the lagoons north of Perpignan
The view of Beziers from the left of the train The view of Beziers from the left of the train

This is a fantastic journey, one of the most fabulous that can be taken on any European high speed train.

It is also a journey of three distinct phases.

1: Between Madrid and Perpignan the train travels  on a high speed line - as showcased in these videos.

2: Between Perpignan and Montpellier the train follows the coast, don't expect incredible seascapes, but there are some nice views as the train threads through the marshes - particularly north of Perpignan.

3: Between Nimes and Avignon the train switches back to the high speed line.

This train journey showcases European train travel at its best.
With its fantastic contrasts between the sweeping vistas across the Spanish plains and the coastal views in France; though you won't see the latter if you make this journey between October and March.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.