Glasgow to Arran by train and ferry

Glasgow to Ardrossan by train

How to travel by train from Glasgow to Ardrossan and to take the ferry on to Brodick on Arran



From Glasgow Central to Ardrossan Harbour

Journey Summary

Travel Time
Travel Information

Final Destination: Ardrossan Harbour

All trains also call at: Ardrossan South Beach and Ardrossan Town

1 x train per hour


Book Early and Save: No

ScotRail does not place discounted Advance tickets on sale for train journeys from Glasgow to Ardrossan so you wil pay the same price per departure whether you book ahead online, or purchase tickets at the station just prior to boarding.

Though you can save money by travelling at less busy times when Off-Peak tickets will be available, so on this route you can save money by not departing from Glasgow between 16:20 and 18:20 when Mondays to Fridays are working days.
Because if you do depart Glasgow at those times only the more expensive type of Anytime tickets will be available

ScotRail offers ticketing deals when Adults travel with children or in groups
Though there's no need to book ahead online to obtain these discounts - you will be charged the same prices when booking these ticket at the station just before boarding .
If you will be booking these deals at the station it can be less confusing to book in person at a ticket counter, rather than using a ticket machine.

Rail + Sail Tickets:

If you will be travelling on to Brodick on the island of Arran, you can purchase Rail + Sail tickets.
For the journey from Glasgow to Brodick, they can be booked online ahead of your travel date.
However, you won't save money if you opt to do so, because they will cost the same price at the station if you purchase them just before boarding.

The advantage of booking these tickets online or at Glasgow Central station is that on arrival in Ardrossan Harbour, you can simplify the train to ferry transfer, by avoiding the need to stop by the ferry ticket office on the pier.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
ScotRail *

ScotRail Guide

On this journey

Good to Know

Heading to the isle of Arran

The train and ferry timetables for connections on to Brodick on the beautiful island of Arran, are co-ordinated, so that the connection in Ardrossan is typically very straightforward.
Though not every train from Glasgow connects with a ferry, as the boats don't depart hourly.

The total journey time from Glasgow to Brodick typically takes around 2hrs (the ferry crossing takes 55 mins), so visiting the island is an easy and highly recommended day trip from Glagow.

Though to make the most of Arran an option is to connect into one of the island bus services, which ae timed to meet the ferry arrvials in Brodick.

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