Budapest to Zagreb by train



From Budapest Deli to Zagreb Glavni kolodvor

Journey Summary

Travel Time
from 5hr 30min

Book early and save: Yes*

Online bookings open: around 140 days ahead of the travel date.

*Tickets will be more expensive if booked at the station, but you won't make big savings by booking months in advance, in comparison to booking days ahead.

Book online and you will have to collect your ticket from a machine at Budapest-Deli station.

Rail pass users need to reserve before boarding for journeys from Budapest, reservations can be arranged at the international travel desks at Keleti or Nyugati stations.

However, as this train departs from Deli station in Budapest - ideally book the reservations at either of these stations when you first arrive in the preceding train on your itinerary.

OR if you will have been prevously been travelling through a hauptbahnfof in Germany, you can arrange the reservations at a Reisezentrum travel desk.

OR book the reservations online with Eurail or InterRail, but if  you do so you will have to pay a booking fee.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
MAV from €29

MAV Guide

MAV is the national railway operator in Hungary and its newly relaunched website is still at the 'beta' stage, but it can be used to make bookings.
The MAV website also sells tickets for the direct international trains from Hungary and it's booking path for overnight trains is particularly easy to follow.

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - No

Good to Know

*There is a year round daily train from the Hungarian to Croatian capitals, it departs from Delli station in Budapest at 15:35 and is scheduled to arrive in Zagreb at 21:05

From June 6th until September 13th there will also be a morming departure leaving from Deli station at 06:35.

Note that those trains depart from Deli station in Budapest.

Between June 12th and September 5th, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, there is also an overnight train to Split, which departs from Budapest Keleti station at 18:53 and is due in Zagreb at around 00:23.

Final Destination: Zagreb*

*Due to the border controls that are now in place between Hungary and Croatia you MAY have to leave the train from Budapest when it arrives at the town before the Hungarian border.

You MAY then have to take a bus across the border and then board another train to continue the journey on to Zagreb

It's worth checking with the conductor IF this will be the case when your ticket/reservation is inspected, as it's unlikely that this information will be announced in English on the train.

*There is a year round daily train from the Hungarian to Croatian capitals, it departs from Delli station in Budapest at 15:35 and is scheduled to arrive in Zagreb at 21:05

From June 6th until September 13th there will also be a morming departure leaving from Deli station at 06:35.

Note that those trains depart from Deli station in Budapest.

Between June 12th and September 5th, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, there is also an overnight train to Split, which departs from Budapest Keleti station at 18:53 and is due in Zagreb at around 00:23.

Final Destination: Zagreb*

*Due to the border controls that are now in place between Hungary and Croatia you MAY have to leave the train from Budapest when it arrives at the town before the Hungarian border.

You MAY then have to take a bus across the border and then board another train to continue the journey on to Zagreb

It's worth checking with the conductor IF this will be the case when your ticket/reservation is inspected, as it's unlikely that this information will be announced in English on the train.

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