Bruxelles / Brussels to Oostend / Ostende by train

How to take the rail journey from Brussels/Bruxelles to Ostend

In Ostend/Ostende the trains from Bruxelles have an easy connection into the world's longest tram route, which operates along the full length of the Belgian Coast.



From Bruxelles-Central/Brussel-Centraal to Ostende

Journey Summary

Travel Information

Final Destination: Ostende/Oostende

In Ostende the main rail station is steps away from the stop used by the Belgian Coastal Tramway, for a day by the sea SMTJ's recommendation is to head to De Haan.

All trains also depart from: Bruxelles-Nord and Bruxelles-Midi

These trains take a north to south route across Bruxelles/Brussel calling first at Bruxelles-Nord station, before going on to call at Bruxelles-Central and then finally at Bruxelles-Midi.
So work out which would be the optimum station to head to in the Belgian capital, in order to board these trains.
The Bruxelles/Brussel public transport map is here.

These trains also call at: Brugge

These fast trains from Bruxelles to Ostende/Oostende usually only make two station calls in Gent and Brugge.

This is Belgium's premiere domestic rail route - the trains on this route usually the smart I11 coaches.

1 x fast train per hour


Book early and save: No

Tickets can be booked online up to one month ahead, but they will cost the same if paid for at the station on the day of travel.

Note that seat reservations are not avilable on these trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
BelgianRail *

On this journey

Good to Know

When looking at the departure information screens at the station, take care to avoid the trains to Ostende/Oostende, which are calling at Kortrijk; they're more than 45 mins slower than these trains.
Tickets are no more expensive if you take these fast trains.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.