Zürich / Zurich to Bratislava by train

How to take the rail journey by direct train from Zurich to Bratislava

Despite the distance it's possible top take a direct train when travelling from Zurich to the Slovakian capital.
It's not quick, but the spectacular scenery on the first half of the journey more than makes up for that!



From Zürich HB / Zurich main station to Bratislava hl.st.

Journey Summary

Travel Time
8hr 46min
Travel Information

This relatively new direct train service from Switzerland and Slovakia is usually scheduled to depart from Zurich at 12:40 and arrive in Bratislava hl.st station at 21:51

Final Destination: Bratislava

This train also calls at: Sargans, Buchs and Wien Hbf

1 x train per day


Book early and save: No

Booking tickets for this journey by direct train from Zurich to Bratislava is an exception to how tickets can usually be booked for European train services.

The OBB ticket booking service, provided by Austria's national rail company (it provides the trains on this route) sells this journey online in the conventional manner.
Meaning that you can search for the journey, see the price and then proceed to book it, should you wish to do so.

However,  because both Zurich AND Bratislava are outside of Austria, OBB DOESN'T offer its usual discounted 'Sparschiene' tickets, between these two destinations.

Hence if you want to take this direct train, the comparatively expensive price will be the same, irrespective of how far ahead you will be booking.

To book tickets on SBB you can submit a booking request on its ticketing service, but prior to doing so, you won't know the price of the journey.

The money saving option:

If you look up this journey on OBB, you will also see alternative options which involve taking a Railjet from Zurich to Wien - and then connecting there for another train on to Bratislava.

Those options with a change of train in Wien/Vienna can be more than 60% cheaper than taking this direct train from Zurich to Bratislava.

That's because OBB will offer its discounted 'Sparschiene' tickets on the train between Zurich and Wien.

Making the connection in Wien Hbf station should be comparatively straightforward and your ticket will be valid on any train on from Wien to Bratislava - though ,if you'll be heading to the city centre, take care to board a train heading for Bratislava hl.st. station and Bratislava-Petrzalka station.

Booking for this direct train:

Online bookings open: 180 days ahead of the travel date

This train is usually scheduled to depart from Zurich at 12:40, so target that departure time when looking up this journey..

Seat reservations:

Seat reservations aren't automatically assigned when booking tickets for journeys by Railjet trains.

So you will need to be proactive and add the seat reservation when booking with OBB. the step-by-step guide you can access below will show you how.

If you want the peace of mind of being able to remain in the same seat all the way from Zurich to Bratislava, you'll have to reserve, but they only cost €3 per seat.

Travelling with a rail pass:

You won't have to reserve on this journey if you will be travelling with an InterRail or Eurail pass.

However, if you want to be sure of remaining in the same seat for the duration of the journey, particularly in 2nd class, you will need to pay a €3 reservation fee prior to boarding.

Though don't book them at a station in Switzerland, if you do, you will have to pay an €11 booking fee.

To avoid this fee, you can book these reservations as 'seat only tickets' online on the OBB website; we show you how HERE.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
OBB from €39

OBB Guide

OBB is the national rail operator and its booking service offers journeys by express trains within Austria, as well as international journeys which don't involve making a connection outside of Austria.

It pays off to book online, as the discounted 'Sparscheine' tickets are only ever made available on the website, and when making international journeys to and from Austria, these Sparscheine tickets tend to be cheaper.
OBB can offer particularly good value for money when travelling with children on international rail journeys, but something to watch out for when travelling between Austria and Germany on daytime trains, is that reservations are an optional extra; but if you book 1st class tickets with the Germany railways website DB, the reservations are complimentary.

OBB often takes a unique approach to its booking path, but a key thing to keep in mind is that the first price you will see for any journey is that of a Second Class seat.
The costs of upgrading to first class, a reservation, or a sleeping cabin etc, is then added to this price.

Trainline from €39

Trainline Guide

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - YesMountain viewsLake views

Good to Know

Within 15 mins of departing, you will be travelling along the shore of Lake Zurich Within 15 mins of departing, you will be travelling along the shore of Lake Zurich
The lake will be on the left of the train for around 20 minutes The lake will be on the left of the train for around 20 minutes
The train will begin to leave Lake Zurich behind and head for the Wallensee The train will begin to leave Lake Zurich behind and head for the Wallensee
The spectacular Wallensee is also on the left of the train The spectacular Wallensee is also on the left of the train
Both lakes are passed before the train has reached Sargans Both lakes are passed before the train has reached Sargans
The scenery begins to become more spectacular near Buchs The scenery begins to become more spectacular near Buchs
The best of the views after Buchs are over to the right The best of the views after Buchs are over to the right
The train will travel through the Arlberg Pass for more than 45 mins The train will travel through the Arlberg Pass for more than 45 mins
You will have to glimpse the views through the trees as the train approaches St Anton You will have to glimpse the views through the trees as the train approaches St Anton

It is fortunate that this train departs from Zurich in the early afternoon, as the first third of the journey is the most spectacular - from Zurich as far as St.Anton.

Within 10 minutes of departing from Zurich there are a series of stunning views of not one, but two lakes, the Zurichsee...

...and then the Wallensee.

Between Feldkirch and St.Anton , the train threads the stunning Arlberg Pass - though in summer the trees can get in the way.

If possible sit on the left (when facing the direction of travel) on departure from Zurich.
The lakes are on the left, but the train will reverse direction on departure from Buchs.

The best views of The Arlberg Pass are from the right of the train.

After St Anton the best of the views are on the left, but after Innsbruck the best of the views, switch back to the right.
The scenery highlights of the journey are over once the train has departed from Kufstein; but unless you will be travelling at the height of the summer, the journey on from here will be at dusk or in darkness.

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