Salzburg to Köln / Cologne / Koeln by train

How to take a journey by direct train from Salzburg to Koln/Cologne

Look up a journey from Salzburg to Cologne on a ticket booking service and most of the options will involve making a connection in Munchen hbf (the main station in Munich) into an ICE train.
Not only is it fairly frequent it's also the fastest option, but take care that Koln hbf and not Koln Messe/Deutz is the station that you will be arriving at.

However, this is one daily option for taking a train from Salzburg to Koln/Cologne, which can get lost amidst the alternatives, hence it being singled out.
It also takes a much more scenic route!

There are no direct overnight trains on this route.



From Salzburg Hbf to Köln/Cologne Hbf

Travel Information

This train is usually scheduled to depart from Salzburg at 12:00 (noon).

Final Destination: Munster or Dortmund

This train also calls at: Mainz; Bingen; Koblenz and Bonn

1 x direct train per day


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 6 months ahead of the travel date

Seat reservations:

Reservations are highly recommended for this journey , If you book a First Class ticket on DB your seat(s) will be assigned, but OBB will charge a reservation fee for First class tickets, as they are otherwise optional on this train.
You will have to pay to add a reservation when booking second class tickets, no matter which ticket agent you use.

Reservations are optional, but recommended if you will be travelling with a 1st or 2nd class rail pass.

Finding tickets:

When looking for tickets to Köln on DB Bahn type ‘K or COLOGNE‘ into the ‘To‘ box and not ‘Ko‘.

When making an online booking, check that you’re looking at booking info for the direct EC train, which departs from Salzburg at around 12:00.

It's usually worth targeting this direct train - in this direction from Austria to Germany it can be much cheaper than the journeys that involve a change of train.

It can also be particularly worthwhile comparing prices on the national ticket agents for this journey - when the cheapest tickets have sold out on the DB (German railways website), they can still be available on the OBB (Austrian railways website) and vice versa.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
DB Bahn from €39

DB Bahn Guide

DB is the national railway operator in Germany, so its website can be used for booking journeys by German express trains; the ICE and IC trains and it doesn't charge booking fees.
It also sells tickets for journeys by direct trains on all international routes from Germany regardless of whether DB is operating the train service.

It also sells an extensive range of end-to-end journeys which involve making connections both within Germany and in neighboring countries, but journeys between Germany and Britain cannot be booked on DB.

A key feature of DB website worth keeping mind is that it offers 1st class ticket purchasers complimentary seat reservations on journeys both within and to/from Germany.

Seat reservations for daytime in both 1st and 2nd class can also be booked separately from tickets.

OBB from €39

OBB Guide

OBB is the national rail operator and its booking service offers journeys by express trains within Austria, as well as international journeys which don't involve making a connection outside of Austria.

It pays off to book online, as the discounted 'Sparscheine' tickets are only ever made available on the website, and when making international journeys to and from Austria, these Sparscheine tickets tend to be cheaper.
OBB can offer particularly good value for money when travelling with children on international rail journeys, but something to watch out for when travelling between Austria and Germany on daytime trains, is that reservations are an optional extra; but if you book 1st class tickets with the Germany railways website DB, the reservations are complimentary.

OBB often takes a unique approach to its booking path, but a key thing to keep in mind is that the first price you will see for any journey is that of a Second Class seat.
The costs of upgrading to first class, a reservation, or a sleeping cabin etc, is then added to this price.

Trainline from €39

Trainline Guide

Omio from €39

Omio Guide

Omio is an online ticket agency which offers tickets for rail journeys in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain.

The three key advantages of using Omio are

  • it offers prices in multiple currencies
  • it usually offers price comparison with other modes of travel including flights and buses
  • when visiting Europe, you can book journeys in multiple countries in one transaction.

The disadvantage of booking with Omio is that it often adds a booking fee to the final price; therefore when it does so without offering a price advantage, SMTJ doesn't tend to offer Omio as a booking option.

Happyrail from €39

Happyrail Guide

Happy Rail is a Netherlands rail ticket agency which sells tickets for both national and international journeys within a range of countries including Belgium France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland.

HappyRail doesn't charge booking fees in the conventional sense, but if you're not Dutch you can expect to pay additional transaction fees, which will be added to the total cost.
That's because the most common form of online payment used in The Netherlands is 'iDEAL' and HappyRail doesn't charge a transaction fee for 'iDEAL' payments, but only Dutch residents can sign up to 'iDEAL'.
Other forms of payment include Visa debit cards will incur a fee.

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - Yes

Good to Know

The train will reverse direction on departure from Munchen Hbf AND Stuttgart Hbf.

Between Ulm and Stuttgart #1 Between Ulm and Stuttgart #1
Between Ulm and Stuttgart #2 Between Ulm and Stuttgart #2
The train will run beside The Rhine between Bingen and Bonn The train will run beside The Rhine between Bingen and Bonn
The most spectacular views are to the south of Koblenz The most spectacular views are to the south of Koblenz
The river is usually on the right The river is usually on the right
But the views can be on the left if the train is switched to the east bank route But the views can be on the left if the train is switched to the east bank route

The initial memorable views come when the trains travels through the hills between Ulm and Stuttgart.
Though what had been a highlight of this part of trip, the views over the town of Gelsenkirchen, have now been obscured by barriers, which protect its no doubt grateful citizens from the sound of the trains

Though the best views on this route come towards journey's end;
After Bingen there are some fabulous views of The Rhine Gorge from the right of the train, when facing the direction of travel.

After Boppard the train will travel right by the river for the final part of the journey all the way to Koblenz; the views of the valley aren't quite as spectacular north of Boppard, but they're still fabulous!

This part of the journey is a delight, you can't miss the endless parade of boats travelling up and down the river and look out for the multitude of castles perched on top of the hills.

The video clips were filmed from trains travelling in the opposite direction.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.