Oslo to Trondheim by train



From Oslo S to Trondheim Sentral

Journey Summary

Image coming soon...
Trondheim Sentral
Travel Time
6hr 29min - 6hr 47min

Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 90 days ahead of the travel date.

Discounted 'Minipris' tickets can still be be available if you're booking only a few days ahead, but the very cheapest tickets generally sell out weeks in advance.

The cheapest/discounted tickets will sell out first on the most popular trains, so prices can vary between trains on your travel date.

Reservations are particularly recommended for this journey - rail pass users take note!

If you are new to booking train tickets for Norwegian train journeys, we have produced this guide - it should help you save time and money and confusion.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Vy from 249 NOK

On this journey

Journey Features

Scenic - YesLake views

Good to Know

Final Destination: Trondheim

All trains also call at : Dombås (connect for the spectacular Rauma Line to Åndalsnes)

These daytime trains to Trondheim are usually scheduled to depart from Oslo daily at 08:02; 14:02 and 16:02.

There is also an overnight train which is usually scheduled to depart at 23:06 and arrive in Trondheim at 06:40.

If you want to connect into the daytime train from Trondheim to Bodø in the Arctic Circle you will need to take this overnight train.

The 16:02 from Oslo to Trondheim connects into the overnight train on to Bodø.

If you are new to travelling by train in Norway, our NorwegianTrain Travel Guide is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

Final Destination: Trondheim

All trains also call at : Dombås (connect for the spectacular Rauma Line to Åndalsnes)

These daytime trains to Trondheim are usually scheduled to depart from Oslo daily at 08:02; 14:02 and 16:02.

There is also an overnight train which is usually scheduled to depart at 23:06 and arrive in Trondheim at 06:40.

If you want to connect into the daytime train from Trondheim to Bodø in the Arctic Circle you will need to take this overnight train.

The 16:02 from Oslo to Trondheim connects into the overnight train on to Bodø.

If you are new to travelling by train in Norway, our NorwegianTrain Travel Guide is packed with info and useful links to help ensure you’ll have a stress-free trip.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.