München / Munich to Zagreb by train

How to travel from München/Munich to Zagreb by train

When travelling by train from München/Munich to Zagreb you can travel during the day on of Europe's most stunning railway journeys, or if the timings don't suit there's also an overnight train available (for now).



Option 1: travelling on this beautiful journey by day

Travel Information

Final Destination: Zagreb

Train also calls at: Jesenice, Lesce-Bled (for Lake Bled), Ljubljana, Zidani Most, Dobova

This train is usually scheduled to depart from Munchen Hbf at 12:17

This train will also call at Munchen Ost AFTER departure from Munchen Hbf.
If the starting point of journey is in central Munich/München (around Marienplatz), it will be a quicker trip if you take a S-Bahn local train and make the connection at München Ost.

1 x train per day


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: up to 6 months ahead of the travel date

Book 1st class ticket journey tickets on DB Bahn and your seat reservation is included, but they're optional when booking 2nd class tickets.

Rail Pass Users:

The reservation rules are different when using a rail pass to travel to Croatia by these trains.

Rail pass users must make reservations prior to boarding, irrespective if you will be using a 1st or 2nd class pass.

Travelling from Munchen Ost station:

When making a booking online on DB Bahn, it uses ‘Munich (München)’ as a default for looking up journeys from the city in the ‘From’ box.
But it is possible to select München Ost as the ‘From’ station (you need to use the German spelling with the character (the umlaut) over the ‘u’).
You won’t save any money by booking from München Ost, but the departure time of your train from Munchen Ost will be on your ticket.

Booking agents, when looking up Munchen to Zagreb journeys, will see that the fastest journey from Munchen is from Munchen Ost - so can assume that this is where you want to join the train.
If you're using an agent confirm whether your ticket has been booked from Munchen Hbf or Munchen Ost - particularly if you DO want to join the train at Munchen Hbf.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
DB Bahn from €45 approx

DB Bahn Guide

DB is the national railway operator in Germany, so its website can be used for booking journeys by German express trains; the ICE and IC trains and it doesn't charge booking fees.
It also sells tickets for journeys by direct trains on all international routes from Germany regardless of whether DB is operating the train service.

It also sells an extensive range of end-to-end journeys which involve making connections both within Germany and in neighboring countries, but journeys between Germany and Britain cannot be booked on DB.

A key feature of DB website worth keeping mind is that it offers 1st class ticket purchasers complimentary seat reservations on journeys both within and to/from Germany.

Seat reservations for daytime in both 1st and 2nd class can also be booked separately from tickets.

On this journey

Journey Features

Not High SpeedScenic - NoMountain views

Good to Know

The train will reverse direction at Villach.

This can be a journey where travelling 1st class can pay off as you'll have more freedom to move from one side of the train to the other, to make the most of the trip.

Boarding The Train:

The coaches to heading to Zagreb will be joined to coaches heading to Klagenfurt, the train separates at Villach.
So when boarding check that you will be in the part of the train heading to Zagreb.
Don't be overly concerned about this, the conductor will verify that you're sat in the correct part of the train when they inspect your ticket.

Between Salzburg and Bad Gastein Between Salzburg and Bad Gastein
Between Bad Gastein and Villach Between Bad Gastein and Villach
Between Bad Gastein and Villach Between Bad Gastein and Villach
Between Bad Gastein and Villach Between Bad Gastein and Villach
Crossing Slovenia Crossing Slovenia
Crossing Slovenia Crossing Slovenia
The Sava River valley The Sava River valley

Once the train has departed from Salzburg, this is a contender for Europe's most stunning train journey, though you will need to be travelling between May and October* to see it at its best.

The train departs from Ljubljana at around 18:30, but between there and Dobova, it threads through the spectacular Sava River gorge; and this section of route comprises most of the final two hours of the journey to Zagreb.

So that you can see the views for more of the year, an alternative is to set off from Munchen at 08:17 on a train heading to Klagenfurt and connect in Villach for a train on to Zagreb which will arrive there at 17:10.

If the timings suit we also recommend not taking the alternative overnight train; try to plan an itinerary so that you can experience the incredible daytime journey.

The highlight of the trip, which can be enjoyed year round from this direct daytime train, is the part of the journey between Bad Gastein and Villach.
The best of the views, particularly after Bad Gastein, are from the right of the train; when facing the direction of travel.

Option 2: taking an overnight train

Travel Information

This train is scheduled to depart from Munchen Hbf at 23:35 and arrive in Zagreb Glavni Kolod. at 08:36.

If you wake early there are some wonderful views of The Sava River valley gorge, as the train heads towards Croatia.

Though as the landscape this train will be travelling through is spectacular for pretty much the entire journey, we highly recommend travelling this route on the daytime train.

1 x train per night


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

This train is provided by Croatian Railways (HZ) and is named 'Lizinski'.

It comprises:

- Compartment Seats 
- Couchettes; 4 berths AND 6 berths
- Standard sleeping cars with 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 cabins

Click the train button above for more info including the rail pass reservation fees:

Using rail passes:

Rail pass users must reserve before boarding this train.

If you want to reserve seats, berths in couchettes or beds in the sleeping cabins before you arrive in Germany, the best option is to pay a booking fee and use the Eurail or InterRail reservation services.

Or you can avoid the booking fees by arranging the reservations when you arrive in Germany, by purchasing them at a Reisezentrum travel desk, which you will find in any hauptbahnhof.

Though it's best to do this at the first hauptbahnhof (city centre station) that you will arrive at, the later you leave booking your accommodation, the more likely it is that your preferences will be sold out.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
DB *

DB Guide

DB is the national railway operator in Germany, so its website can be used for booking journeys by German express trains; the ICE and IC trains and it doesn't charge booking fees.
It also sells tickets for journeys by direct trains on all international routes from Germany regardless of whether DB is operating the train service.

It also sells an extensive range of end-to-end journeys which involve making connections both within Germany and in neighboring countries, but journeys between Germany and Britain cannot be booked on DB.

A key feature of DB website worth keeping mind is that it offers 1st class ticket purchasers complimentary seat reservations on journeys both within and to/from Germany.

Seat reservations for daytime in both 1st and 2nd class can also be booked separately from tickets.

On this journey

Journey Features


Good to Know

At Munchen Hbf station, on the departure screens, you may only see a train leaving at 23:35 that's heading to Budapest if you do, that info will also be for this train.

The coaches heading to Zagreb are joined to the train heading to Budapest on departure from Munchen Hbf.

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