Madrid to Burgos by train

How to take the rail journey from Madrid to Burgos

For most travellers the high speed Alvia train services will be the logical choice for a journey by train from Madrid to Burgos, but if you will be using a Eurail or InterRail pass, the slower MD trains are money savers.



Option 1: the faster journey Alvia trains

Journey Summary

Image coming soon...
Burgos- Rosa de Lima
Travel Time
2hr 17min 2hr 26min
Travel Information

Final Destination: Bilbao/San Sebastian/Irun*

*These Alvia trains heading to these destinations are joined together for the journey between Madrid and Burgos.

So if you see any of these destinations on the departure screens at Madrid-Chamartin station, the info will also apply to the train heading to Burgos.

A choice of train services:

These Alvia trains are faster than the alternative MD trains from Madrid to Burgos; and if you are booking in advance online, they're usually cheaper too.
So despite being less frequent, they're the logical choice for Madrid to Burgos train journeys.

Monday - Thursday: 2 x trains per day
Friday: 3 x trains
Saturday: 1 x train
Sunday: 3 x trains


Book early and save: Yes - if you take these Alvia trains.

If you're booking no more than a couple of days ahead, the discounted 'Promo' tickets for these Alvia trains can still be cheaper than tickets for the alternative slower MD trains.

Online bookings open: up to 6  months ahead of the travel date - depending on the time of year.

The online booking window can be shorter between late July and early October.

Also book in advance if you want to travel on any departure, on this route tickets for the most popular departures can sell out completely, a couple of days ahead.
These trains are usually scheduled to depart from Madrid-Chamartin at:
08:00 daily
16:05 not Saturdays
17:40 on Friday and Sunday (the Friday departure is categorised as an 'InterCity' service, so is 2nd class only).

If these departure times don't suit, another option for Madrid to Burgos train journeys is to take an AVE train to Valadolid and then connect there for an MD train on to Burgos.
Those journey options are only around 30mins longer, but tend to be more expensive than taking these direct trains.

Seat Reservations:

Seats will automatically be assigned when booking tickets for this journey.

Rail Pass Users:

Rail pass users can avoid the higher rail pass reservations fees payable on these Alvia trains, by targeting those slower MD trains for a journey from Madrid to Burgos; though those MD trains still require a reservation.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

On this journey

Journey Features

High Speed (partial)

Good to Know

These Alvia trains use the high speed line between Madrid and Venta de Banos - a town to the north of Valladolid.

This journey will become faster (and hopefully more frequent too) when the high speed line is extended from Valladolid to Burgos; it's due to open in late 2022..

Option 2: the slower MD trains

Journey Summary

Travel Time
4hr 32min - 4hr 45min

Book early and save: No

Tickets aren't discounted for this journey by MD trains, so you will pay the same price as the that charged online, if you book last minute at the station.

Online bookings open: 2  months ahead of the travel date

However, in contrast to making the journey by these MD trains, tickets are discounted for those alternative, much faster Alvia trains.
So if you're booking online just a couple of days ahead, you can usually save by taking the Alvia trains.

Rail Pass Users:

If you will travelling this route with a valid Eurail or InterRail pass, you can save around €6 by taking these trains and not the Alvia trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.