Madrid to Avila by train

How to take the rail journey from Madrid to Avila



From Madrid-Principe Pio to Avila

Journey Summary

Travel Time
1hr 25min - 1hr 40min (approx)
Travel Information

Final Destination: Salamanca or Irun or Avila

There is no high speed line between Madrid and Avila, hence the trains on this route being MD services.

It also simplifies things if you want to take a spontaneous day trip to beautiful Avila from Madrid.

From Principe-Pio station:
Mon Fri = 8 x trains per day
Saturday = 6 x trains
Sunday = 6 x trains

From Chamartin station:
Mon Fri =3 x trains per day
Sat/Sun = 2 x trains per day


Online bookings usually open: 2 months ahead of the travel date

Book early and save: No

Tickets aren't discounted for this journey, so you will pay the same price as the that charged online, if you book last minute at the station.

if you do want to book tickets last minute at the station, then it's still worth looking up the departure times online, before you head over to Madrid Principe Pio station, there are gaps of more than three hours between some departures.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline €12.25

Trainline Guide

Renfe €12.25

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.