Firenze / Florence to Pisa by train

How take a rail journey from Florence/Firenze to Pisa

Taking the train from Florence/Firenze to Pisa is blissfully simple as this is a route with one of the most frequent rail services in all of Italy.
There's also no need to book tickets in advance to save money, so you can just turn up at the station and book tickets at the last minute.

Though there are four things in particular which are worth being aware of:
1: The timetable isn't regular, meaning that there are between one and four departures per hour, and one of these hours with only one departure is between 10:00 and 11:00.
2. The 'RV/RGV' trains can be around 25 mins faster than a 'R' train because they call at fewer stations, so if you want to target a faster train, look up the journey times on the Trenitalia website before heading to the station.
3. Before 13:00 there are some trains which take a route via Lucca which is an hour longer, and they can depart at similar times to trains taking the direct route via Empoli.
So take care not to board a train which will be taking the route via Lucca.
4. Pisa S. Rossore station is much closer to the leaning tower than Pisa Centrale station and there are a few direct trains Florence/Firenze to this station.



From Firenze S. M. Novella to Pisa Centrale

Travel Information

Final Destination: Livorno or La Spezia or Grosseto or Pisa

Most trains also call at: Empoli (connect for Siena)
All trains also call at: Firenze Rifredi

The train services:

The frequent train service between Firenze/Florence and Pisa comprises:
(1) faster RGV/RV (Regionale Veloce) trains, which skip more stations.
(2) slower REG (Regionale) trains.

The time difference between the two services is a much as 40 mins, so in some hours a later RV train will overtake a slower train and arrive in Pisa sooner, so check the departure screens carefully
The RV/RGV trains typically travel to destinations beyond Pisa, but the slower R trains terminate in Pisa, so they're more prominent.

If you want to target a faster train, they won't be any more expensive, look up the departure and journey times before heading to the station.

Some trains are 2nd class only.

Departing from Pisa:

One thing to watch out for, is that at busy times (during the day on Friday - Sun year round, and between 09:00 and 19:00 every day in summer) these trains can be crowded - despite the frequency.
So seats are not guaranteed.

If the next train is departing within 5 - 8 mins, all seats on it can be taken, so it can be worth checking the departure boards and then hanging back to take a subsequent train.
The next train can be leaving within 15 minutes.

Florence to Pisa Aiport by train:

There are no longer any direct trains from Firenze S.M. Novella station to Pisa Airport - and that’s because a much more frequent people mover between Pisa Centrale station and the airport has now replaced the trains.

So take any train from Firenze/Florence to Pisa Centrale and make the simple connection there into the people-mover.

1 - 4 x trains per hour


Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if purchased at the station immediately before departure.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trenitalia €8 - 9

Trenitalia Guide

Trenitlalia is the national rail operator in Italy and in addition to its cheaper types of ticket; it also typically offers other discounts available to non-Italians, which include:

  • Group Offers, provides for a discount of up to 50% when 3-5 Adults travel together.
  • Family Offer for when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 11 and under.
  • The Children Free Offer is available for journeys by Frecce trains, when groups of 2 - 5 people are travelling together and at least one of the party is a aged 15 and under.
    Those aged 15 and under travel for free, but the Adults will need to purchase full price 'Base' tickets.

On this journey

Journey Features

Not High Speed

Good to Know

Heading to the leaning tower of Pisa by train from Florence:

If you’re heading to Pisa in order to see the leaning tower, then Pisa S. Rossore station is much closer to the tower complex than Pisa Centrale.

Some of these RGV/RV trains from Firenze/Florence to Pisa (the trains heading to La Spezia) call at Pisa S. Rossore station AFTER they have called at Pisa Centrale,
On Mondays to Saturdays there are usually departures at 09:53; 11:53 and 13:53.
On Sundays there are usually trains available at 10:53 and 12:53

If when you're at Firenze S.M.Novella station a train to Pisa S. Rossore isn't a viable option, take a train to Pisa Centrale.
Then on arrival at at Pisa Centrale, check whether a train will be departing for Pisa S. Rossore within 20 mins.
If there is, then taking a train from Pisa Centrale to Pisa S. Rossore, will be a better option than taking the bus or walking from Pisa Centrale.

Adding Lucca to the itinerary:

On Monday to Saturday the following routing is available

  1. Depart Firenze S.M.Novella at 09:53, arrive Pisa S. Rossore at 11:10.
  2. Depart Pisa S. Rossore at 14:24, arrive Lucca at 14:47
  3. Depart Lucca at 18:31 or 19:31, arrive Firenze S.M.Novella at 19:50/20:50
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