Between Worgl and Innsbruck

Budapest to Innsbruck by train



From Budapest Keleti to Innsbruck Hbf


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: around 140 days ahead of the travel date

Note that the price shown on MAV will be in €s but you will actually make the payment in Hungarian forints.

RESERVATIONS are optional for this journey, but this train tends to be particularly busy in 2nd class.

However, seats will actually be assigned when booking tickets online on MAV.

But if you book at the international rail desk at Keleti station (you can book using the computer terminals), you will have to request that a reservation be added to the booking.

Rail pass users can purchase reservations in person at the international travel desk at Keleti station - but do that when you first arrive in Budapest, the office won't be open before the train makes it early start!

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
MAV from €39

MAV Guide

MAV is the national railway operator in Hungary and its newly relaunched website is still at the 'beta' stage, but it can be used to make bookings.
The MAV website also sells tickets for the direct international trains from Hungary and it's booking path for overnight trains is particularly easy to follow.

On this journey

Good to Know

The train is scheduled to depart from Budapest Keleti at 06:40

Final Destination: Zurich

The train also calls at: Wien/Vienna, Linz and Salzburg

Type of Scenery: Mountain, River

Departing from Budapest:

The train will call at Budapest-Kelenfold around 10 mins after departing from Budapest-Keleti.

If the starting point of your journey in Budapest is on Metro Line 4, or has an easy connection to Line 4, then take the Metro to Kelenfold station and join the train there.

Not only will your journey be quicker overall, the Metro transfer at Kelenfold is much easier, particularly if you have luggage.

The train journey from Budapest to Innsbruck:

The scenery on this journey gradually improves the further west you travel from Budapest - hence the images all being captured on the final 30 mins as the train nears Innsbruck.

Between Worgl and Innsbruck Between Worgl and Innsbruck
Between Worgl and Innsbruck Between Worgl and Innsbruck
Between Worgl and Innsbruck Between Worgl and Innsbruck

The train is scheduled to depart from Budapest Keleti at 06:40

Final Destination: Zurich

The train also calls at: Wien/Vienna, Linz and Salzburg

Type of Scenery: Mountain, River

Departing from Budapest:

The train will call at Budapest-Kelenfold around 10 mins after departing from Budapest-Keleti.

If the starting point of your journey in Budapest is on Metro Line 4, or has an easy connection to Line 4, then take the Metro to Kelenfold station and join the train there.

Not only will your journey be quicker overall, the Metro transfer at Kelenfold is much easier, particularly if you have luggage.

The train journey from Budapest to Innsbruck:

The scenery on this journey gradually improves the further west you travel from Budapest - hence the images all being captured on the final 30 mins as the train nears Innsbruck.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.