Budapest to București / Bucharest by train



From Budapest Keleti to București Gara de Nord

Journey Summary

București / Bucharest
Image coming soon...
București Gara de Nord
Travel Time
16hr 55min

Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if you book at Budapest Keleti station

Online bookings open: 2 months ahead of the travel date

A plus of booking online is that you will have ensured your place on the train.

Your first choice of accommodation MAY be sold out if you don't book in advance.

Click the train button above for more info including the rail pass reservation fees.

Rail pass users must reserve before boarding these trains, but these reservations cannot be booked online on MAV

Reservations can be arranged and paid for at the InternationalTravel desk at Budapest Keleti station - ideally do this when you first arrive in Budapest on the preceding train on your itinerary.

Or book the reservations online with Eurail or InterRail - this is the only means ensuring your reservations before you embark on your itinerary, but you will have to pay a booking fee

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

MAV Guide

MAV is the national railway operator in Hungary and its newly relaunched website is still at the 'beta' stage, but it can be used to make bookings.
The MAV website also sells tickets for the direct international trains from Hungary and it's booking path for overnight trains is particularly easy to follow.

On this journey

Journey Features


Good to Know

Final Destination: Bucharest/Bucuresti

The train also calls at: Brasov

This train named the 'Dacia' usually departs from Budapest-Keleti at 23:10  and arrives in Bucharest at 16:05 on the afternoon of the following day.

It calls at Brasov at 13:30

The train conveys

- Compartment Seats 
- Couchettes; 4 berths AND 6 berths
- Sleeping cars with 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 cabins.

Alternative daytime connection:

The direct daytime train service from Budapest to Bucharest/Bucuresti has been restored.

Though it isn't much faster than this overnight train and you'll be travelling on an Intercity train, which is more basic than a typical European express train.

So taking this overnight train is recommended on this route, especially as it's not a particularly scenic journey by day.

Final Destination: Bucharest/Bucuresti

The train also calls at: Brasov

This train named the 'Dacia' usually departs from Budapest-Keleti at 23:10  and arrives in Bucharest at 16:05 on the afternoon of the following day.

It calls at Brasov at 13:30

The train conveys

- Compartment Seats 
- Couchettes; 4 berths AND 6 berths
- Sleeping cars with 3 bed, 2 bed and 1 cabins.

Alternative daytime connection:

The direct daytime train service from Budapest to Bucharest/Bucuresti has been restored.

Though it isn't much faster than this overnight train and you'll be travelling on an Intercity train, which is more basic than a typical European express train.

So taking this overnight train is recommended on this route, especially as it's not a particularly scenic journey by day.

From Budapest Keleti to București Gara de Nord

Journey Summary

București / Bucharest
Image coming soon...
București Gara de Nord
Travel Time
16hr 12min

Book early and save: No

Tickets will cost the same price if you book at Budapest Keleti station.

This train is 2nd class only.

Online bookings open: 2 months ahead of the travel date

A plus of booking online is that you will have ensured your place on the train.

Rail pass users must reserve before boarding these trains, but these reservations cannot be booked online on MAV

Reservations can be arranged and paid for at the InternationalTravel desk at Budapest Keleti station - ideally do this when you first arrive in Budapest on the preceding train on your itinerary.

Or use the InterRail or Eurail reservation services.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost

MAV Guide

MAV is the national railway operator in Hungary and its newly relaunched website is still at the 'beta' stage, but it can be used to make bookings.
The MAV website also sells tickets for the direct international trains from Hungary and it's booking path for overnight trains is particularly easy to follow.

On this journey

Journey Features


Good to Know

Final Destination: Bucharest/Bucuresti

The train also calls at: Arad and Timisoara

This train, which is named the 'Traianus' is usually scheduled to depart from Budapest at 07:10 and to arrive in Bucharest/Bucuresti at 23:22.

It only conveys 2nd class seats and conveys no catering facilities so take enough food and drink on board with you.

If you don't relish the prospect of dedicating an entire day to making this train journey from Budapest to Bucharest, there is also an overnight train on this route.

Final Destination: Bucharest/Bucuresti

The train also calls at: Arad and Timisoara

This train, which is named the 'Traianus' is usually scheduled to depart from Budapest at 07:10 and to arrive in Bucharest/Bucuresti at 23:22.

It only conveys 2nd class seats and conveys no catering facilities so take enough food and drink on board with you.

If you don't relish the prospect of dedicating an entire day to making this train journey from Budapest to Bucharest, there is also an overnight train on this route.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.