Barcelona to Valencia by train

How to take a rail journey from Barcelona to Valencia

There are three options for taking a train from Barcelona to Valencia:
1: The fastest, most frequent, but typically most expensive option is taking a Euromed service.
2. There are also slower, but typically cheaper alternative express trains available (and they can plug some gaps between the Euromed departures).
3. If you will be travelling with a Eurail or InterRail pass, or buying tickets last minute at the station, you can save money by taking the Regional-Express train.



Option 1: taking a Euromed train

Travel Information

**Final Destination: Alicant or Valencia

These trains also call at: Castello de la Plana

Departing from Barcelona Sants:

Aim to be at Barcelona Sants a minimum of 20 mins before departure, in order to allow time to pass through the security checks.
At Barcelona Sants station these trains depart from the AVE area of the station vias (platforms/tracks) 1 - 6.

These trains no longer also depart from Barcelona Franca station.

Arriving in Valencia:

These Euromed trains arrive at Valencia-Joaquin Sorolla station, but the alternative trains arrive at Valencia-Nord station - which is more conveniently situated for the city centre.

It can take 10-15 mins to make the transfer between stepping off these Euromed trains at Joaquin Sorolla station and being on the main concourse at Valencia Nord.

The concourse at Valencia Nord station also has access to the Valencia Metro, while Joaquin Sorolla has no metro station (it's nearest station at Jesus is a 5 - 8 min walk away).
So if you're final destination is on a Valencia Metro line, those other express trains can also be the better option.

Mon - Friday = 6 x trains per day
Sat/Sun = 4 x trains per day

The typical number of departures has been reduced due to the pandemic.


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 6 months ahead

If you look up this journey on Trainline select 'Valencia (Spain)' as the destination and on Renfe select 'Valencias (Todas)
Do so and the search results will feature both these journeys by these Euromed trains and the slightly slower alternative express trains.
Though the search results on Trainline won't distinguish between these types of train service, while Renfe will do so.

It can pay off to be as flexible as possible regarding departure and arrival times, because for these trains on this route it’s not unusual for a few departures to be available at much cheaper price, regardless of how far ahead you will be booking.
The limited numbers of tickets released for sale at very cheapest prices also inevitably sell out, so if possible book more than a couple of months ahead and you’ll be more likely to find them available.
Though from the moment the tickets are placed on sale, some departures will be cheaper than others.

Prémium tickets are only available for journeys by the Euromed trains.

These Euromed trains can be cheaper than the IC trains, it's the popularity of the specific departure and not how fast it is, which determines the ticket prices.
However, there are typically no Euromed trains from Barcelona-Sants between 10:00 and 14:30, but two IC trains depart during this time period.

Rail Pass Users:

You'll save €4 if you have a 2nd class pass and more than €12 if you have a 1st class pass, if you avoid these Euromed trains and take those alternative express trains instead.

Or you can avoid paying any rail pass reservation fees at all, if you take the daily Regional-Express train from Barcelona to Valencia.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

On this journey

Journey Features

High Speed (partial)

These trains now take a relatively new and faster, but less scenic route, as they now use the same high line to Camp de Tarragona station, as that taken by the AVE trains heading to Madrid; and they then use a new line between there and Cabrils, which takes around 25 - 30mins off the previous journey time.

Option 2: taking the alternative express trains

Travel Information

The express train service between Barcelona and Valencia is divided between these trains and alternative Euromed services.

These trains are typically* around 45 mins slower than the Euromed trains, but those Euromed trains can be cheaper.
Though it's worth comparing prices for the two services and the 'Ticketing information' below has more info about how to do that.

*= The daily Torre Oro train, which typically departs from Barcelona Sants at 09:13, has a journey time of 3hr 7, while the IC trains have journeys times of a little over 3hr 35min.

Final Destination:
IC trains = Alacant or Cartagena or Muricia or Valencia
Torre Oro train = Cadiz

These trains also call at: Castello de la Plana

Departing from Barcelona:

Aim to be at Barcelona Sants a minimum of 20 mins before departure, in order to allow time to pass through the security checks.

The IC trains will depart from vias (platforms/tracks) 11 - 12, while the Torre Oro train will depart from vias 1-6.

Arriving in Valencia:

An advantage of taking these trains is that they arrive at Valencia-Nord station
It is more conveniently situated for the city centre than Valencia-Joaquin Sorolla station, which is the station that those Euromed trains arrrive at.

It can take 10-15 mins to make the transfer between stepping off an alternative Euromed train at Joaquin Sorolla station and being on the main concourse at Valencia Nord.

The concourse at Valencia Nord station also has access to the Valencia Metro, while Joaquin Sorolla has no metro station.
So if you're final destination is on a Valencia Metro line, these trains can be the better option

IC departures = 2 x trains per day
(This service has been substantially reduced as a result of the pandemic)

Torre Oro departures = 1 x train per day


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 2 months ahead

If you look up this journey on Trainline select 'Valencia (Spain)' as the destination and on Renfe select 'Valencia (Todas)'.
Do so and the search results will feature both these journeys and the alternative Euromed services

Though the search results on Trainline won't distinguish between the types of train service, while Renfe will do so.

This is also a journey on which you can save by booking at least a couple of weeks ahead, though the cheapest tickets inevitably sell out fastest on the most popular departures. head, and can be flexible with your timings, it can pay off search through the day's departures to find the cheaper prices.

Those Euromed trains can be cheaper than these trains. it's the popularity of the specific departure and not how fast it is, which determines the ticket prices.
However, there are no Euromed trains from Barcelona-Sants between 10:00 and 14:30, but two IC trains depart during this time period.

Rail Pass Users:

You'll save €4 if you have a 2nd class pass and more than €12 if you have a 1st class pass, if you avoid the Euromed trains and take these Talgo trains instead.

Or you can avoid paying any rail pass reservation fees at all, if you take the daily Regional-Express train from Barcelona to Valencia.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

On this journey

Journey Features

Not High SpeedCoastal views

Good to Know

The Torre Oro train will spend the first 40mins (ish) of its journey travelling on the high speed line.

You can see frequent views of the coast from the left You can see frequent views of the coast from the left
The railway line hugs the shore either side of Tarragona The railway line hugs the shore either side of Tarragona

This info applies to the IC trains, the Torre Oro train takes the same route as the Euromed services

As these trains begin to leave Barcelona behind they spend around 30 mins travelling along the coast as they head to Tarragona, so there are sea views from the left hand side of the train.

Though we departed in the early morning, so hazy sunshine meant the images we captured aren't our finest pieces of work - but they give an idea of what to expect.

Option 3: taking the R-Express train

Travel Information

This train is usually scheduled to depart from Barcelona Sants daily at 10:00.

It also commences its journey at Barcelona Franca at 09:43 and also departs from Passeig De Gracia station in central Barcelona at 09:54.

As reservations aren't available on what is usually a busy train, you can increase your chances of finding a seat if you board at Passeig De Gracia or Franca stations.

1 x train per day


Book early and save: No

If you can book around even a week ahead, then it's likely that the express trains will be cheaper (and faster) - tickets aren't discounted for this Regional Express service.

If you'll be heading to Valencia from Barcelona in the morning and booking tickets last minute at the station, you won't make big savings compared to taking the Torre Orro train, which is faster by more than two hours.

Rail Pass Users:

Reservations aren't available on this Regional Express train, so if you're travelling on a budget and won't mind spending longer to reach Valencia than on the express trains, you can avoid reservation fees  if you'll be travelling with a valid Eurail or InterRail pass.

If you have a 2nd class pass you'll save €6 compared to taking the IC and Torre Oro trains and if you'll be travelling with a 1st class pass you'll save €10.
Though as this train is 2nd class only, there's quite a contrast between travelling on this train and in Comfort/1st class, on the IC trains.

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Renfe *

Renfe Guide

Renfe is the national rail operator in Spain and it has recently simplified the range of tickets it sells for express and regional train journeys in Spain.
Which is convenient as there are big savings to be made if you book ahead online.

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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.