Barcelona to Bordeaux by train

How to take the rail journey from Barcelona to Bordeaux

There are no direct trains from Barcelona to Bordeaux so a change of train is required.
The optimum route is to make a connection in Narbonne, but you will have around 1hr 45min to wait for the train on to Bordeaux, so the connection is virtually guaranteed.
So theoretically you'll have time to explore beautiful Narbonne between trains, though the station is at least a 15 min walk from Narbonne's town centre.



From Barcelona Sants to Bordeaux Saint-Jean

Travel Information

There are no direct trains from Barcelona to Bordeaux and on the days when it departs, the direct train from Barcelona to Toulouse, arrives too late in Toulouse to make connections on to Bordeaux.
So this routing is the optimum train journey from Barcelona to Bordeaux.

The scheduled connection in Narbonne allows around 1hr 30mins to make the connecting train on to Bordeaux.
So a plus is that making the connection can be virtually guaranteed, but a negative is that Narbonne isn't a particularly comfortable station, in which to spend that long waiting for a train.

Set off from Barcelona on the 08:15 train heading to Lyon and you should arrive in Bordeaux at 15:27; or depart Barcelona on the 10:05 train heading to Paris and you should arrive in Bordeaux at 17:26.

2 x connection per day

Change trains in: Narbonne


Book early and save: Yes

Online bookings open: 3 months ahead of the travel date

Where to book
Ticket Provider Approximate Cost
Trainline *

Trainline Guide

Journey Features

High Speed (partial)Coastal views

Good to Know

Final Destination: Paris or Lyon or Marseille

Aim to be at Barcelona Sants a minimum of 20 mins before departure, in order to allow time to pass through the security checks.

At Barcelona Sants station these trains to France depart from the part of the station used by the Spanish high speed trains - vias (platforms/tracks) 1 - 6.
So when you're in the station follow the signs that are pointing the way to the ' Alta-Velocidad' trains.

A view from the high speed line north of Figueres A view from the high speed line north of Figueres
Another view from the high speed line north of Figueres Another view from the high speed line north of Figueres
Crossing the marshes between Perpignan and Narbonne Crossing the marshes between Perpignan and Narbonne
Another view north of Perpignan Another view north of Perpignan

Between Barcelona and Perpignan the train travels on a high speed line.

Then between Perpignan and Narbonne the train crosses the marsh land by the sea and it will seem as though the train is gliding across the water; the sea can be seen on the right, while simultaneously the lakes can be seen on the left

Journey Features

Not High Speed

Good to Know

Final Destination:  Bordeaux

This train also calls at: Toulouse; Montauban, Agen and Marmande

Crossing the Aude River just before arriving in Carcasonne station Crossing the Aude River just before arriving in Carcasonne station
A typical view from the train between Bordeaux and Toulouse A typical view from the train between Bordeaux and Toulouse
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This is one of more than 1000 journey guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney.